I learned recently that Obama may now indeed get to claim the distinction of being the first Black president and not Clinton, as apparently he has a penchant for tardiness, and is always late. Apparently Obama operates on what we call in the Black community, "CPT" - Colored People Time.
According to Yahoo News,
It is said of Black people that most of us will miss our own funerals. We even have different allotments of "lateness" for various events.
For example you are allowed about 15 minutes grace period for a wedding. But for a house party, well you can expect Black folks to be at least an hour late.
With Obama's habitual tardiness, I am left to speculate as to what is causing it? Here are a few of my thoughts.
First, Michelle may be bitching at him. She certainly looks like the type to not allow this whole "president thang" to get in the way of her marriage. Personally, I think Obama plays the submissive role in the relationship. Michelle knows all the dirt on him, so she can indulge him publicly, but she gets her comeuppance in private.
Next, he may need to check with Pelosi, before he can speak publicly. She is about as smart as a year-old monkey, and Obama really does say some stupid things, to be "the smartest guy in the room". Given his tendency for "ums" and "uhs", I think he is mic'd at all times, and Pelosi may be feeding the earpiece.
Now there is the possibility that he is doing his affirmations,
Anyway, I'm sure that some days these affirmations take longer than others.
One real possibility for Obama's lateness to meetings is he may be outside the White House having himself a "fag". I am referencing Obama's need to draw in that last few puffs from his Kools, so he doesn't have to face the world without the jolt from his nicotine. He's an addict, you know.
Here's the wrap:

on time, all the time, as was the Bush way. But Obama is that arrogant professor who wants to see just how long he can make you wait before you decide to leave class. Then as you grab your books, he suddenly appears. The next time, he pushes you a minute or two further. Until you just never know. So you wait…for Godot.
This need to "control" is based on his pathology for not being able to control anything in his private life, lacking a core. Being late is his passive aggressive way of controlling things, manipulating them.
Obama needs a "scripted" life, as he can't just act from the gut. That's how fakes work. They need a clue to your behavior, so they can know how to react.
So sorry to disappoint those of you who thought Obama is all Black. He remains as much White as he is Black. But at least for now, Obama is "keeping his White man" down, as the brother in him keeps showing up late for everything...oh, except basketball.
That's my rant!
© 2009 Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere All Rights Reserved
Great analogy regarding the arrogant professor! In the business world, chronic lateness can cost money, such as loss of a sale because you offended a client by behaving as if your time is more valuable than their time. Of course, Obama is no friend to Capitalism, so it's no wonder that he disrespects that aspect of business. He's got a professional staff ready to help him prevent tardiness, so there is absolutely no excuse for such inconsiderate behavior. I guess
"community organizing" never taught him that.
Good commment Anon
Clinton was late, corrupt, and lied all of the time. It is a very concerning Democratic Partisan pattern...
"The Obama administration reportedly wants the U.S. Census to be run directly out of the White House, as opposed to by a politically insulated official within the Department of Commerce.
This would apparently be unprecedented and unlawful because federal law provides that the Census must be administered by the Commerce Department."
Great Blog Kevin, I just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your bio. Keep up the good work.
Thanks John. I will do my best!
My personal opinion, it shows me how incredibly confident he is. (As in overly confident!) One little piece you missed is that he is from Chicago. No offense to anyone who is from Chicago, but Chicago politicians are a bit on the overly confident arrogant side. It is an Illinois thing. I have yet to see a politician from Illinois, and particularly Chicago, who does not have this attribute. It manifests itself in many ways. Some act like the world revolves around them, and they can arrive late all the time, and others take money for things they should not. While others just bully people into silence. Chicago politics. Ya gotta love it. Not!
Since he and his administration continues to blame the Bush administration for all of the current ills it may suffice it to say that they will argue that "W" removed all the clocks in the White House or maybe he just removed the minute hands.
Once the press decides that they will no longer be kept waiting and start to leave........OMG what was I thinking. They hang on every word so they ain't going no where.
Keep it coming Kevin!
RonB - Presenting the "no clocks" angle. I have some deep thinkers in The Black Sphere!
Being late is a way of manipulating and controlling others. He thinks everything is about him because he knows everyone will wait on him. He is very arrogant & it shows in this behavior.
By the way, has anyone told him the campaign is over? I know he knows he won, cuz he told the Republicans that the other day. But, he is currently giving a speech & it sounds just like he is on the campaign trail again! All his "followers" in the audience cheering & clapping. Hmmm, every day it just keeps getting curiouser & curiouser!!
CFitz - Agreed! And as for the "campaign", when you are a professional campaigner, the campaign is never over.
Arrogance is an understatement. Just my thesaurus does not have a word more powerful word. Tried "supercilious" but that just did not work either but it sounds good and Obamalike.
I can excuse the dress code, why you gentlemen would wear a tie is beyond me, but I cannot excuse extreme tardiness. I find it to be an example of rude behavior. With the exception of extreme emergency (no telling Michelle that she doesn't look fat isn't one), there is no excuse for it.
Someone needs to put him on a strict schedule.
In his daily ritual of self affirmation, you forgot the probable "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!"
Either that or he's doing a quick glance over at stuff white people like just to keep his inner balance.
Just found you and already have bookmarked you in my blog spot. Your clarity and sensibility are such a relief to me in such a murky and insensible time. Thanks!!
Being on time is all about respect, respect for those who wait, and respect for your self. I think that Obama's feelings on respect can best be summed up with this statement:
"I won"
Brevity after all. is the soul of wit.
This need to "control" is based on his pathology for not being able to control anything in his private life, lacking a core. Being late is his passive aggressive way of controlling things, manipulating them.
Obama needs a "scripted" life, as he can't just act from the gut. That's how fakes work. They need a clue to your behavior, so they can know how to react.
Yep, you nailed it. I've been telling friends this very same thing. Passive aggressive is really a scary trait for the Commander in Chief.
Findalis & Digital agreed on respect! He has none for anybody.
Annie, I was going to do the Stuart Smalley thing, but didn't know if I had the right spelling! But that is a "take off" of it.
Cindy, thanks for backing up my highly intuitive psychological theory about Obama!
Anon, thanks for finding me and bookmarking me!
Jolanda Davila Mason February 9
Kevin, you are the man. Because I am a mixed race my "lateness" is often referreed to as PFT-Puertorican Folks Time:-)
You would think PSBO would seek to "transcend" CP time.
Hey Robin, I haven't "seent" you in a while. Yes, one would think that he would respect the time of others and be on time, but not him! Let's talk soon...
All narcissists are like this...everything has to be about them. It's an alpha-male dominance issue (don't tell ME when I have to be somewhere) compounded by his controlling narcissism (well here I am, I won, I am the center of attention, and I made you WAIT FOR IT). There is no end to the ways this guy makes my skin crawl.
Ted - Feel better?
Great column, funny & tue....
I'd rather read your words tonight by far than listen to "the one" go "blah blah blah"...but, isn't your Nancy-as-monkey comment rather ra-a-a-acist (oh wait-I'm sorry, you mean she actually is half, oh, never mind - just kidding).
I think calling Pelosi a monkey is being too nice.
And my generation in general little regard to promptness. So why should we be surprised? It is just reflective of the same uninformed/misinformed masses who elected him.
Hey Melissa, good to see your pic up there. Great comment! And yes, I did get a LOT of emails from monkeys, protesting my blog. Don't sweat it. I will win them back!
people who are habitually late have two traits. First, that they are the masters of the universe so everyone can wait for them. Second, their disdain towards everyone else. Why care about their time, it's yours that matter. Every time BO does this, he show his disdain towards the American people and the press who got him elected.
OMG,Kevin! Love the rant! I didn't know he was a CPT-er too! I thought our leaders were supposed to be leaders by example? Oh well, I am so NOT disappointed.
I could go on about a unresearched link of CPT-ers,the arrograncy of that race of people, and feeling of the world owes them something, thus you are blessed to be in their presence, so you should wait for them, but...
The book The Sociopath Next Door nails this type of personality characteristic of Obama and its not surprising that many politicians profile fits also. Great rant as usual. It is all about them.
Rose-Bud, thanks for the comment!
Julie - This is indeed a pathology that has been well researched, and it is either God complex, or laziness. He doesn't appear to be lazy...
lol Black People Time.
My husband is in that zone. He tells me "Time doesn't work for us Africans". African Time is even later than BPT. This is why no matter how early we get up on Sunday morning, we never walk in *before* service starts.
Funny vent, Kevin....I've never heard of "CPT", so I was enlightened. My experience tells me all kinds of people are late. I am usually at least 1/2 hr early to everything (it kills DH when he is still in the bathroom and I am standing there with my coat on...) Anyway, MadMath is right, people who are late usually are disorganized, or procrastinators, or both. And use it as an excuse. It is a very arrogant trait....And it was also funny at the end when he called the press, "you guys". And I thought I did hear a YO somewhere in that mishmosh he was spewing.... A little less formal then we are used to.
Cappucino - In some countries, it's customary, but not for BO. He's just arrogant!
LizV - BO tried to appear so "in control" it was laughable. He would look at the list of reporters, call out a name, then say "stand up". As if, "...don't you dare stay seated in the presence of a GOD!"
And at the end of each answer he would say something like, "uh huh". It was a classic sign of fear.
Also, talk about KNOWING when this guy is lying...just follow the stutter! Dang, and the Libs think this guy is eloquent. I had a high school friend who stuttered who was more eloquent!
Mr. Jackson,
Relatively new reader, first time commenter.
I've been reading this blog for the past few weeks now trying to get a sense of what you're trying to accomplish here. You seem to have a solid cohort of readers who generally cosign to your rants and such. However, I'm sitting here reading this entry wondering what the point is. As a commenter, I try not to be overly critical of the blog author simply because of the fact that the author does not force the reader to read anything on the site. People come here to consume the content of the entries of their own volition and always have the option of navigation away from the page, but this entry and others which are similar to it have me scratching my head about the degree of seriousness that I should be approaching them with. For example:
One real possibility for Obama's lateness to meetings is he may be outside the White House having himself a "fag". I am referencing Obama's need to draw in that last few puffs from his Kools, so he doesn't have to face the world without the jolt from his nicotine. He's an addict, you know.
I find a lot of your comments regarding Obama (particularly dealing with one or more of his personal idiosyncrasies ) to be overly speculative to the point of being out-right petty. At the end of the day, I simply don't see the value of such entires in which you seem to be fixated on minutiae such as Obama's smoking, stuttering, or tardiness. So I ask, "What's the ultimate value of these speculations?"
It's hard to gauge the degree to which you want to be taken seriously as a writer because it isn't clear if your commentaries on Obama are meant to be primarily humorous in nature or not. If I'm supposed to be laughing while reading your speculative inquiries about the man's minor habits then fine, I'll laugh along with the rest of your readers if it was intended to be funny—but if such comments are made in earnest and are meant to say something, it isn't clear what.
So I'd appreciate if you could tell me, should I be trying to take you seriously or not?
Funny !
TGC - I find that the minutiae as you put it, to be the most relevant points. When I consider people, I don't consider the obvious, i.e. what they want me to see. I look at the subtleties.
As for my blog, it is a satirical blog, with education laced within. If you want "serious" news, look elsewhere. If you want nuance, and dare I say, well-written nuance, then thanks for visiting one of the fastest growing blogs on the internet, and a finalist for Best New Blog '08! [shameless plug!]
My final point is that inside of this funny, satirical are the morsels of truth, which for this blog is the idea that Obama CHOOSES to be late, as it accomplishes TWO things. (1) He gets to showcase his "Blackness", and (2) he believes others can wait for him, since he has an overblown ego.
I hate having to "explain" a blog, particularly to someone with Conservative in their name.
Thanks for the visit...
in Hawaii We used to call it Polynesian Paralysis
Blacksphere.... great response to TGC, though I seriously doubt he'll be any more enlightened than he was when we he first read it. Don't let the word "Conservative" in his name fool you, he's no more conservative than Obama himself. Check out his blog. Just another Obamatron !
Keep up your great work, we appreciate what you have to offer the world !
Sunny Smile - My girl does her homework, and has revealed what I figured was the case against The Gray Conservative...a fraud! Thanks Babe!
Sunny Smile said...
Don't let the word "Conservative" in his name fool you, he's no more conservative than Obama himself. Check out his blog. Just another Obamatron !
Obamatron? Really? Perhaps you would be better off placing a question in place of your statements, since it's obvious that you're misinformed. Honestly, since you claimed to have looked through my blog, what did you find there that would give you or anyone else the slightest hint that I was an Obama supporter? Or is this just another exercise in meaningless and unfounded speculation? Go ahead and search for every instance of the name Obama on my site and tell me where you found the magical clue that compelled you to assert that I was an uncritical Obama supporter.
The Black Sphere said...
Sunny Smile - My girl does her homework, and has revealed what I figured was the case against The Gray Conservative...a fraud! Thanks Babe!
Fraud? Nice.
Obamatraon, fraud. Typical. My simple and honestly inquiry was met with two swift and impeccably clever ad hominems. Such wit on display here. I always get a kick out of blog comment sections where you have to wade through a pool of local loyalists and cosigners who try to stamp out any pesky dissenters by telling the new guy to sit down and shut up. I absolutely loved your last two schizophrenic comments Kevin: "Thanks for the visit, fraud!"
So, I guess your roundabout answer to me is no, I shouldn't be taking you seriously at all. This is all just satire and in good fun. Fine, I get that much, but then you went on to suggest that these satirical musings are intended to showcase some modicum of discernible truth nuggets. For example:
Obama CHOOSES to be late, as it accomplishes TWO things. (1) He gets to showcase his "Blackness", and (2) he believes others can wait for him, since he has an overblown ego.
...As if these were "morsels of truth" and not plain assertions.
It seems that in your drive to be satirical you've gone and confused assertions with actual facts. These are merely your opinions. So to pretend that these humorous rants contain any objective truth within them as the ostensible justification for your overt focus on such petty idiosyncrasies (much less to call it "nuance") is really quite absurd. I appreciate your "Obama bad" schtick for what it is, but I find no objective truth here.
I suppose you take solace in the fact that one of your local loyalists stood up to attack me on your behalf because I posted a comment that didn't complete the uninterrupted train of fawning over your well written nuance.
I like how you gave her the textual equivalent of a high five and a hearty, "You go girl!". She sure showed me, but ultimately, what you've got here is an uncritical echo chamber that exists in the form of a comment section. Virtually every comment in this thread is in support of what you've said followed by effusive praise, and your strategy for dealing with critical statements is to complain that you shouldn't have to explain the rationale for your concentrated focus on pettyisms to a conservative (because any conservative should obviously see the epic value and utility of stilted Obama bashing).
At least you answered my question directly by stating that these entries are not to be taken seriously, but your line about having a bit of education and truth thrown in strikes me as attempting to put cake icing on a turd and then calling it a King Don.
Fake Conservative, if you want to engage in a war with me on my site, likely in an effort to drive readers to yours, then I applaud you. Else, I assure you, you are undergunned my friend.
You got your explanation from me on what my site accomplishes, though I owed you nothing. Tell me specifically what was speculation, since you are so learned on ObamaNation. What? He doesn't smoke? Or perhaps you are implying that Michelle is weak? Exactly what part do you have a problem with.
As for icing on a turd, I wouldhave my readers visit that "elephant dung" site of yours and start pounding your site with comments, however it's just not worth it.
I suggest you find a different playground, other than my blog. I have treated you with "kid's gloves" up to this point.
Dear Kevin,
I have absolutely no desire to drive any of your readers to my site nor any desire to increase my readership beyond those individuals who happen to stumble upon it from the places which link to it. You'll notice that I have zero references to "blog awards" or any such meaningless pageantry on my site. So please don't project your infotainment aspirations onto me as if we have the same desire to be a publicly recognizable talking head.
Tell me specifically what was speculation, since you are so learned on ObamaNation.
You mean aside from the direct admission that you were about to engage in pure speculation?
With Obama's habitual tardiness, I am left to speculate as to what is causing it? Here are a few of my thoughts.
Personally, I think Obama plays the submissive role in the relationship. Michelle knows all the dirt on him, so she can indulge him publicly, but she gets her comeuppance in private. - Pure speculation.
Next, he may need to check with Pelosi, before he can speak publicly. - Pure speculation.
Beyond this, my focus wasn't purely on the speculations in-and-of-themselves. I asked earlier, "What's the ultimate value of these speculations?" To what end are you speculating about these things?
As for icing on a turd, I wouldhave my readers visit that "elephant dung" site of yours and start pounding your site with comments, however it's just not worth it.
I suggest you find a different playground, other than my blog. I have treated you with "kid's gloves" up to this point.
I'm terrified.
I somehow figured that you were a rational adult and were above threats of digital militarism. (Pray tell, what would they write about in their comment bombs? Somehow I don't see them dropping any intellectual bombshells that extend much further beyond the effective blast radius of such an ace burn as "Fake Conservative". This is the equivalent of you going to get your cousins to fight for you because the kid down the street picked on you. Truth worthy of second grade lore.)
Kevin, I invite you to do your absolute worst with the utmost confidence that absolutely nothing of value will come from it. It's pretty silly and childish for you, a grown man, to threaten to have your readers "pound" my site with comments only to turnaround and say that it would be a waste of your time to do so. I assure you that the time you took to type up that threat was a waste of your time as well.
It's apparent though, that the extended time you've spent in this perpetually cosigning echo chamber has caused you to become a bit oversensitive to even the mildest of criticisms. This is evinced by the fact that you blew our brief exchange totally out of proportion by characterizing it as a "war", and treating your readers as a digital standing army of sorts. For someone who eschews seriousness, you sure went off the deep end with that one. I shudder to think how you would react to some of the more dutiful and persistent progressive commenters who frequent some of the other conservative blogs on a regular basis.
TGC - Geez, you really need to "get a personality". What part of SATIRICAL do you not understand? You appear intelligent. I visited to your site to see what you are about, and we likely agree more than we disagree. However this pettiness that you are displaying is frankly a waste of my time.
Fine. All my SATIRICAL comments were speculation. You happy?! It doesn't minimize the point that I find Obama's pathology Napoleonic, if not downright "Messiah Syndrome". And before you comment, that is speculation as well.
I eschew SATIRE, EDUCATION, WIT, HUMOR, DISGUST, ANGST, and a lot of other emotions, and don't necessarily believe it necessary to parse my points.
If you want to visit my blogs to enjoy them, then do so. If not, I rather prefer the "echo chamber". I happen to know what I know, and you don't.
As for a "war", yet again, you obviously have trouble recognizing my "style". I don't need to war with you. There nothing in it for me.
You can criticize awards...because you don't HAVE one.
If you want to read and enjoy, then do so. Else find something else to do.
Consider this my last response to you on the subject.
Give it up, dude. If you don't get Kevin on first reading, you are deficient in some important way. He's insightful and original, and knows people better than most psychologists. He's observant and imaginative and knows what makes people tick, particularly people in power.
You are prickly and obnoxious and pointlessly provocative. These are not selling points. Give it up before you do more damage to public opinion of you.
Big Dave
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