The economy needs a healing, and who better to "lay hands upon it", than Barack 'The Messiah' Obama. And that is exactly what the Democrats are requesting according to an AP article titled "Democrats: Obama need hands-on economic approach".

When I read that, I felt like I was at one of those small town revivals, where the traveling
evangelist sets up a tent at the outskirts of town, and the word gets out that "there's gonna be a healin' tonight".
Apparently House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, D-Mass feels that it's time for less talk and more healing. He said to consumer advocates Thursday,
"[Obama's] going to have to be more assertive than he's been."
So the Democrats set up the tent, but the "healer" didn't show, now they are panicked. And they are growing impatient with the Anointed One, since he has not taken center stage.

Franks goes on to chide Obama to "take over" as president. Sen. Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and one of the lead negotiators in the auto industry bailout, said
"The Obama team has to step up...In the minds of the people, this is the Obama administration. I don't think we can wait until January 20."
Maybe they just could get Ludicris and some of his boys to do a drive-by on W, so he will get the message? Personally I prefer to wait the 46 days for socialism myself.
So we have comments from the two senators who were a major part of the financial meltdown we find ourselves in today, asking for the third most complicit ex-senator, yes the Messiah to involve himself in yet another potential scandal. "Why hast The Messiah not laid hands on the economy, and thus forsaken the Democrats, your chosen people?", wonder Frank and Dodd.
Simple answer: Lord Obama is popular and the Democratic Congress is not. As I blogged earlier in Liberal Trickeration, the Democrats thought they could ram this next bailout package through Congress, while their popularity is low, and Obama would bail them out with the welfare checks…excuse me, "stimulus" checks, as soon as he was sworn in. And this was a good strategy for a while. So what changed?
Liberals voters figured out that while they have been promised $1500 "stimulus" checks, they can extort the Fed for much more than this. Do the math. $1.4T for 40M people. There's a
staggering $350K for each unproductive Liberal in America. The government could actually give this money out to Liberals who don't pay taxes, and stimulate the economy, and don't think it hasn't been discussed. Liberals know there is more there for them, and they are willing to wait it out, because they know that the Liberal Congress is a motivated seller.
So back to the question of why Obama is forsaking his people, and is not actively helping them pass the next bailout bill? Two reasons:
- Obama knows that even his most ignorant supporters know this bailout is like putting a band-aid on a bullet hole for the auto industry, and he hasn't figured out how to spin it. Until his LCDs (lowest common denominators) get their money, their support is like a fart in the wind. So the only support for this bailout for now is the unions. And despite their industry having one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, they are making no real concessions.
- Even a devout socialist who has never created a job in his life knows that he can't seriously invest funds in an industry that doomed to fail. The only possible way the auto industry can survive is if the unions are dissolved. And no socialist worth his weight would dare dissolve a socialist system. Conundrum: Save the Union or save the union?
So what's a Saviour to do? How will The Messiah take a loaf of bread and feed 40 million people? According to the article, he is side-stepping; letting Bush run things for now. Translated: He allows somebody else to feed them, like any good socialist.
""Until Secretary Paulson indicates publicly that he's drawing down the second tranche, the second half of the TARP money, it would be speculation on my part to suggest that that money's going to be used up," he told reporters at a Chicago news conference Wednesday.
Obama did stress that a significant component of the fund should be used to reduce the number of foreclosures. But he did not specify a particular remedy.
He also declined to take a stand in a debate over the source of money for an auto loan package. The dispute has divided Democrats and hindered progress on assistance for the industry. At issue is whether to take money from the $700 billion designated for the financial sector or to take it from a previously approved loan aimed at manufacturing more energy efficient cars.
"I think it's premature to get into that issue," Obama said at the conference."
Well that's not very "omnipotent" of him, is it?
Here's the wrap:
Obama's timing is excellent, because he gets to ride things out, and let the Texas cowboy make the difficult decisions. Remember tough decisions are "above his pay grade".
Whether Bush fights or supports Congress on bailouts, Obama will just do nothing, something he is passionate about. He can take credit if it turns out good, or he can pass blame due to factors beyond his control. One thing Obama knows is politicians love goat…and scapegoat makes good barbeque.

After Jan 20, Obama will finally show up at the revival tent, appearing contemplative and resolute. He will sermonize, pontificate, and speechify, discussing all our options for the economy. He will spot our frail economy sitting in the crowd in a wheelchair, wearing an oxygen mask.
Barney Frank and Chris Dodd will wheel the economy to the stage. Obama will have Frank and Dodd stand the economy stand on its shaky little legs. He will motion for them to remove the wheelchair.
The world will watch as Obama grips the economy around the face with the palm of his large Kenyan hand. The economy will slump for a moment. But then miraculously, the economy will recover and walk without the aid of the wheelchair. We will have witnessed the healing of the economy...a miracle! Or so it seems.

And after all the Bible-toting, gun-clinging citizens have gone home, the able-bodied economy, the Democrats and Obama will all meet behind the tent to congratulate each other for another successful "scam", count the money, and laugh at our stupid butts for believing in miracles...from politicians!
Such is the church of ObamaNation, where kool-aid and Communist…excuse me, Communion wafers are served.
That's my rant!
© 2008 Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere All Rights Reserved

Well said sir!
Great Blog- MORE people need to know about it! I will pass it along!
Great "rant" Great insights and humor! Keep writing more! Thank you!
"Conundrum: Save the Union or save the union?"
Thank you!!
Funny and insightful at the same time! Another great Rant!
I've been saying for awhile these Liberals need to get to Church, they are in dire need of a Real "Messiah"....
You just found another new fan to your work, Kevin! You definitely have found a way to tickle my funny bone, while at the same time summarizing the phenomena of "The One" all in one great piece! Thank you for helping me forget about the developing winter weather up here in Iowa, even if for just a few minutes.
Oh, and now I know why the audience for my blog has been dwindling. I could find no explanation, until now. They also found your blog! Good job, and God Bless you! And thank you for exposing the fact that I'll have to be working much harder in order to win back any fan base that I formerly felt I was entitled to... Now, I know that it will take much more effort on my part!
"johnny2k" at
Another great rant Kevin... I will say I am with you.. Let W finish up.. even though I think he is ready to go....I can wait for socialism myself. Since his paid grade will have a substantial increase.. I can assume that not only the economy but all the of the rest of the worlds problems will follow shortly after and we can kick back again ? Great !! So where is this tent... Do we need tickets? Reservations ??
Thanks Kevin !!
Jackie D
Kubicek, thanks for the comment! There is room for both of us, I am positive. Glad you enjoy my musings, and I will do my best to entertain and inform!
All others thanks for the read. It means a lot, particularly if you knew how long it takes to "blog". So I will continue to do my best in this forum.
You and Dennis Miller crack me up!
What's a Liberal Socialist to do? Save the union or save the Union? I think I know which side they'll vote for. When did Liberals lose their common sense?
DawnofAquarius you flatter me! Dennis Miller! I accept the compliment!
This dude ain't Jimmy Swaggert! Or is he?
and what an excellent rant it is. great writing! and i enjoy your wit. i'm guessing there's a lot more side-stepping to come from the messiah over the next 4 years.
Wilson, you will NEVER hear Obama admit a wrong, on that you can bet the farm.
Bookworm, you had me at "hello!" Yes, I will document all his parsing of words, and his "angling", for he defines "sheister"...I hope I spelled that right!
jnava121 on 12/05/2008
he will say "uh" alot without teleprompter help and then blame something on bush , and spit out campaign talk. "95 % tax cut ! free smokes!"
mmaine on 12/05/2008
Great "rant" theblacksphere.
Looking forward to the next one!
Bagio54 on 12/05/2008
Being one of the many thousands of people who work for a company that supplies parts to the auto industry that has been laid off I hope something gets done, sooon!. However, I doubt the messiah or this do nothing congress will be the ones to do it.
HOWDOYOUKNOW on 12/06/2008
Great Blog! A must read!! Make sure you follow this blog. Lots of good humor and logical insights.
Great pictures too!!
thoughtsonthis on 12/05/2008
Just like the bailout vote, Obama knows when to lay low. He likes to wait for things to develop a little more, before he comes forward.
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