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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Obama is Superfly

We have it on video--Obama finally gets tough. A watershed moment for Obama akin to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Obama killed a fly! And lucky for America, the lamestream media was there to document Obama’s act of bravery. Just when I was questioning his decision not to allow harsh interrogation. Obama made sure that the taxpayers would not have to deal with the enemy combatant. Obama was judge and jury. America is safer for it.

Let’s face it—Obama blew it with the Somali pirates. It was ultimately a Navy Captain who made the executive decision to kill those four Somali pirates. And he likely sat in his ship for those couple of days wondering what the delay was in making the decision. Nevertheless he was gracious enough to allow his Coward in Chief to get the credit. That brave Captain must have known that Obama would come into his own, and show the resolve that built this once great nation. Could we be rebounding from the punking of America occurring to date? I say, “Yes!”

The question that begs to be asked is “How was that fly able to get that close to POTUS?!” Surely heads should roll within the Secret Service. The potential damage that could have been done to Obama, to America—perish the thought.  Read more here...


Jake K said...


Excellent analysis once again. The lame-streamers brought us the story, but you sir put some ka-hole-ees to the having to read between the lines to get to the fatty, red meat. But did you see the look of true hate in obamba's eyes when he finally zeroed in on the fly and drew back ready to strike?...chilling to say the least. I slept well last night knowing A-jad, Pot-belly, Tio Hugo, Poot-in, Fidel's half-wit brother and all of the other global trouble makers know that there is an enforcer on the block that anit gonna take no more bull.

Thanks for letting me vent,

Jake K

Anonymous said...

Kevin, sorry buddy, I have to disagree with you on this one. This actually could be BO's demise!
Did you see this morning that the folks over at PETA are raising a bit of a stink about this? And do you know that they have sent him something akin to a hav-a-heart trap for flies, while telling him he should have been a better example? There's no monkeying around these PETA folks. Once you get on the bad side of these cats, they'll dog you till you die.

Anonymous said...

Watch out PETA! O'bam will sick his creepy little ghoul rohm on you! Make fur coats out of the lot of ya!


MEG said...

Gee Kevin,Of all the fly bye media stories the past few days, yours is the only one that doesn't stink! And speaking of stink. I was thinking that I don't remember a fly ever landing on me. Since they are attracted to garbage, the presidential fly sure smelled some shit and decided to go for it.
You are so hilarious. I sure hope you will take me up on the Pelligrino party (see last post comments if you missed it).

The Black Sphere said...

@Jake - Yes, a demonic look for sure. And then there was no fly!

The Black Sphere said...

@Anon - I'm thinking "fly wing" jackets?

The Black Sphere said...

@Meg - Got your message and responded back. Contact me by email, and we can try to set up a gathering. Have LOTS of book-buying conservatives there!

Anonymous said...

Flies are attracted stink.

Julie said...

Our media grasping at straws and reporting the stupid while ignoring things of importance. Gee what a surprise. I do find it fitting that PETA, another wacko group is on him like flies on dung. And wasn't there a fairy tale about 7 flies?

Anonymous said...

I agree, Julie. The TV network news outlets (and most fish wraps) are obviously in the tank for this administration.

Case in point: ABC will feature a special report (infomercial) on Obamacare. They claim it will be unbiased and a hard hitting critical look at the issue.

Sadly, the majority of folks still get their "news" from the networks. However, that has been changing as a growing number of people who crave the truth look elsewhere.

Fox News, Drudge, talk radio, and various internet news sources are about the only way to hear a dissenting point of view these days.

S'marty Says said...

LOL! Great humor. I think you milked this dumb incident for everything it was worth. Thanks for giving me a good chuckle this morning.

Ario said...

Wow! Im so glad I found this blog. Im in D.C. and sometimes feel like the lon black conserative! Great blog bro!

The Black Sphere said...

S'marty - You don't know me very well, there is more milk to be had. However, I'm done with Obama the Fly Killer!

moronpolice said...

You know... a fly is attracted to crap very quickly. Maybe he killed it before people could figure that one out. That is just my two cents I am hiding from the government :)

Anonymous said...

I noticed he did not wash/wipe his hands after killing the fly.Flies are some of the most filthiest things on earth.

former bond trader said...

Hey,imagine my surprise. I was sitting down to read my "Elitist Prick"(They threw in a Mao hat and Hammer and Sickle beach towel with a 1 yr subscription, how could I refuse?)and I see SuperFly on today's blog. Gosh, that brings back memories of my childhood.
"Obama's red......that's what I said"

Amazing the press time swatting a damn fly gets. What's next, slo-mo of an ant squash by the POTUS Florsheims?

The Black Sphere said...

@Ario, glad you found me as well. Be sure to leave comments on the new site, as this one will go away...

The Black Sphere said...

@moronpolice - We may all be hiding soon!

The Black Sphere said...

@former - I am an annual subscriber as well! Funny comment!

Necromancer said...

Hi Kevin,
Can you publish this or at elast look at it.Thank you.

Occidental College. Released today, the transcript indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia

Smile said... This is an ongoing problem (of debatable magnitude) that will continue to haunt this administration :-O Today, "Juneteenth commemorates the anniversary of the June 19, 1865 arrival of Union soldiers in Galveston, Texas. The soldiers carried the news that the Civil War was over and that President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation had abolished slavery two-and-a-half years earlier."

Hopefully, we won't allow any 'pesty distractions' to interfere with a reflection on the cost, meaning, and maintenance of freedom ;)

Lillith2008 said...

Another great rant and I am STILL LMAO!! You have such a way with words.

Unknown said...

This may be off topic but has BOH ever been called on putting his kids in private school instead of a public school? Why doesn't he fix a public school in DC and put his kids there?
He has not done a single thing either to release non-violent drug offenders--many of whom are black--out of jail. That's like betraying his race.
The whites stole the blacks' pride with welfare and affirmative action. It sent the message: you people cannot make it on your own, you need help. You go Kevin!

MEG said...

I wonder if the Tse-Tse flies will also be attracted to O on his next trip to Africa? Actually, I wonder if O will even what to go back to his homeland. They might not be so happy to see him in Kenya since he still has not built that school he promised. Or is that another one of those secret projects in the stimulus package? Our money to get his name on it.
Kevin, I am really dying to read your book, but I hate ordering on line. Do you have to sell a certain amount before they will let you go on tour? How about setting up at the salute to the troops at Cantigny Park in Wheaton, Il in July? There will be lots of patriots there who would love to read your book!

08hayabusa said...

Leo Donofrio asked his readers to post this everywhere so it can become common knowledge.

Obama Presidential Eligibility – An Introductory Primer
Posted in Uncategorized on June 16, 2009 by naturalborncitizen http://naturalborncitizen.wordpress
One of my readers by the name of  Stephen Tonchen has created an introductory primer on Obama POTUS eligibility.  Much of the substance of the primer has been culled from my blog and helpfully supplemented by Mr. Tonchen’s own research.  This is by far the most clear, concise and powerful document created to help educate your friends and family on the eligibility issue.  I strongly urge my readers to download it and to link to it wherever possible.
I will just reprint its discussion about the important and still controlling SCOTUS case – Minor vs. Happersett:

In 1797 (a decade after the Constitution was adopted), the English translation of Emmerich de Vattel’s, Law of Nations was revised to include the term “natural born citizen”. The revised English translation helps to clarify the meaning of “natural born citizen”, as English-speaking people generally understood it towards the end of the 18th Century:

The natives, or natural born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. … I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country. (Vattel, Law of Nations, Book 1, Chapter 19)

In 1874, in the Minor v. Happersett case, the Supreme Court affirmed the definition of natural born citizen which had appeared in the 1797 English translation of Vattel’s Law of Nations:

…it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first. (Minor v. Happersett, 1874)

In Minor v. Happersett, the Supreme Court expressed “doubts” regarding the citizenship of U.S.-born children whose parents were not U.S. citizens. In Wong Kim Ark, 1898, the Supreme Court examined these “doubts”, but did not render any decision or ruling pertaining to natural born citizenship. The Court ruled that Mr. Ark was a citizen; it did not rule that he was a natural born citizen. To date, the Supreme Court has never answered the question as to whether natural born citizenship extends to children of non-citizen parents.

It is those same doubts discussed so openly in the Minor case that need to be discussed in open court today.  If SCOTUS expressed such doubts then, then our current SCOTUS ought to enlighten us now.  As I’ve stated over and again, this is a legal question already considered by our highest court in 1874 – a full six years after the 14th Amendment was adopted.  This is an important time reference which should be wielded at all who state the 14th Amendment is controlling as to nbc status.  It is not.  SCOTUS expressed their doubts clearly six years later in the Minor case which has never been over-ruled.

The issue is not a conspiracy theory, it is a legal question, a legal question that SCOTUS precedent admits to not having cleared up yet.  It is not settled law and until it is our country and the Presidency are not legitimate.

Hard Right said...

This reminds me of a scene from Monty Python's The Quest for the Holy Grail...

He bravely ran away...