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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ObamaCare - America Gets New Proctologist

It could go without saying that ObamaCare will provide the same “rock star” treatment to all Americans that he and the rest of the elitist Democrats will receive. With Obama’s track record of accomplishment, anything is achievable!

Just look at what the rest of America has to look forward to when we are all subject to the new “gubment” healthcare system in this Newsmax report on Kennedy’s recent battle with cancer:

“One day after an MRI found a tumor, Kennedy was diagnosed with a malignant glioma, and less than two weeks later the tumor was removed by a leading brain cancer specialist at Duke University Medical Center.”

For those of you who have had the opportunity to partake in our governments efficiently run operations, for example the DMV, I am sure you will agree that this is the future of healthcare for us all. Read more here...



Timeshare Jake said...

That's a bumper sticker I would put on my car.

RightKlik said...

Hey...I trust Washington with my rectal health...why shouldn't everyone else?

Joe said...

With a proctologist like President BO, who needs the Grim Reaper?

former bond trader said...

Kennedy is the biggest poster boy for congressional term limits ever. Worthless. I think Clarence Thomas had to be in that nomination hearing, being grilled with disgusting question by whale boy and thinking, " I know this fat, spoiled, lazy alcoholic who has never worked a day in his life, this lowlife who left a woman drown in a car at the bottom of a river to save his political ass, has the cajones to question me about ANYTHING."
The Kennedy dynasty, thank god, is a dying one.
ObamaCare will work fine. Just like the auto bailout and the stimulus package. Just like the thriving economy,thriving budget surplus, and strict gun laws in the state of Illinois.
Obama just complained to CNBC about FNC dogging him all of the time. This from a man who has 19 out of the top 20 media outlets in his pocket, but cries about the one he doesn't have. Just like a spoiled child. The MSM has created a damn monster with this guy. He had it kissed so much that now, he expects it as a birth right. Thank god I can always read the Brits. They don't seem to have that fascination with him and thus, are much more balanced than we are. Embarrasing.

The Black Sphere said...

@Bungalow - Good idea the bumper sticker!

The Black Sphere said...

@Rightklik - You're a real thrill seeker!

The Black Sphere said...

@former - I couldn't agree more. What a hypocrite that Kennedy is!

Murphy Monkey said...

Can't wait to hear and meet you in Birmingham, AL on July 4th! Are you a FairTax supporter?

The Black Sphere said...

@Murphy - I am happy to speak to AL! I am an "anything but what we got" tax supporter!

MEG said...

Hey Kevin, When are you coming to Chicago area with your book signing?
Not sure I like the new website. Reading on a black background is really hard on the ole eyes. Plus, I miss your funny cartoons. Were you censored?
But I still love your columns. As a cancer survivor (scratch that, Thriver) health care is one thing I do not want the friggin govment to mess with. There is already enough problems with health care. One you forgot to mention was torte reform. Litigation is driving up costs more than anything. Obama won't address this at all because he is one of THEM. There is going to be only one thing we can do. Stay healthy! Go eat your veggies(organic of course!).

The Black Sphere said...

I am in Chicago often. I will do a book signing, if people grab a few of their friends, and have a cocktail party at their place. Just need notice...

I am doing a short book signing tour soon, that will be followed by a larger one. Details are hush-hush at this time, but I would ask that you folks BUY MY BOOK! :-)

Anonymous said...

I listened to Uh-bama's speech (sales pitch) to the doctors (us). Hearing a few "boos" during the malpractice part was encouraging, but it was mostly clapping and slobbering.

I am still baffled at how people can't see through this joke of a POTUS... especially the supposedly well educated people that made up his his audience that day. The words "gullible" and "duped" come to mind though.

He attempted to link the supposed health care "crisis" with our current economic woes. As if his grand plan of spending yet more trillions more will fix it and the economy. Excuse while I "guffaw".

Here's an idea Uh-bama, why not just say Medicaid and Medicare costs the taxpayer too much, is wasteful and corrupt, and that we as individuals could spend it more wisely on the healthcare of our choice?

I wonder if I am paying for his nicorette.

Time to dethrone these fat cats and right quick. The revolution starts in 2010 an 2012.

"This is no social crisis, just another tricky day for you" - The Who

Anonymous said...

I would be interested in knowing what kind of healthcare the politicians from Britain and Canada get as opposed to the general populace in their respective countries.

Ha! Who am I kidding? They probably just come here.

The Black Sphere said...

@shamballa - Great comment! Lots of good nuggets for the readers!

Anonymous said...

Kevin, thanks and thank you for your great blog.

Meg, from one cancer "thriver" to another... Keep on truckin'!

It will have been five years this October 21st for me.

Time to get back to munching my organic arugula. ;)

Nancy said...

Kevin will you be coming to Wyoming during your book signing tour? I know we do not have many people here, but it would be great to meet you. I am ready to buy your book. I am going to do it now. Please sign it, in case you do not make it to Wyoming. Bye the way, it is beautiful here!!

MEG said...

I would love to do a cocktail party for you in the burbs. Just send me an email with some dates. I live in a GOP county so I should be able to get up a good group. Only thing, I don't drink. The whole cancer thing you know. Can we do Pelligrino? And a little bocci ball?
Shamballa-Congrats to you too, fellow thriver. Sure feels good doesn't it. The only thing I agree with Obama on, is that eating arugula is a good thing! I am getting ready to launch my own prevention-thriving website. I hope you will join me. I am so excited about spreading the word that cancer is survivable and preventable if we are proactive!

The Black Sphere said...

@MEG - reach out to me at and we can try to set something up. Take care, THRIVER!

Amanda Crowe said...

I am one of more than 40 million Americans who cannot afford health care - and I think America SHOULD have government-funded health care.