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Monday, June 01, 2009

The Big Black Lie is FINISHED!

Hard Cover only

The Big Black Lie is FINISHED and in print! I am request pre-orders now in order to avoid long delays. For those of you who have ordered already, "Thank You!" I will sign them, if requested, and will do my best to honor requests for "custom messages."

Excerpt from The Big Black Lie - how i learned the truth about the democrat party

The Sins of the Father

I didn’t see my father for many years after he and my mother separated and ultimately divorced. I would learn that he was a womanizer, an incestuous rapist, an alcoholic, a drug addict, a gangster, a pimp-wannabe, a thief, a convict, a child molester, and a murderer.
I was fortunate not to learn most of what my father did until much later in life. However, when I did learn of my father’s past, I couldn’t help but question what part of him might lurk within me. With all this baggage and plethora of built-in excuses, I am amazed that I did not become a Democrat.
"The gods visit the sins of the fathers upon the children" - Euripides
I wanted to know what made my dad the way he was. Unfortunately, since I didn’t grow up knowing my father’s family, I didn’t have much history. My paternal grandfather came once to visit my brother and me on the ranch where we were raised. I was around nine years-old at the time; that was the one and only time I ever saw and spoke with him in person.

I learned that my paternal grandfather was an alcoholic, who would arrive home most nights in a drunken stupor. Bloody from the beatings of street predators of Indianapolis, my grandfather lost both his money and a piece of his soul. Unknown to them, they were slowly stealing the innocence of the two young boys who waited at home for the man who was supposed to be their idol, their protector, their provider, their father. Seeing their daddy beaten and bloodied would breed a rage in these two boys that would later be unleashed on the world. They were two boiling cauldrons, destined to bubble over and vomit their murky contents into society.
My father would do a stint in prison for armed robbery, as did my uncle. Many of my male cousins on my father’s side are convicts, who lived very similar lives. Most of their crimes involved drugs, and in some cases more serious offenses. Chances are, had I not been raised by my maternal grandparents, I would have had a similar fate. In fact, I would bet on it.
Being a Jackson in Indianapolis or Bloomington Indiana essentially put a target on your back; the cops were extra vigilant when it came to dealing with the Jacksons. Many in law enforcement had sent Jackson family men scurrying from Indiana to less prosecutorial climes.
Then there were the street thugs with unresolved street grudges. One of which grew into an actual plan to kill one of my uncles. To this day, he is unaware of just how close to death he actually came. I learned the story from a cousin.
Many of the female cousins on my father’s side who had significant interaction with my father are in relationships with men very similar to him, or unable to maintain healthy relationships with decent men. Relationships are tough. But my father has definitely impacted the women in our family negatively. On the bright side, a few of my female cousins actually did discover exactly what type of man they didn’t want, as a result of being around my father. That’s a costly way to look for the “good” in a situation. But I have learned that where my father is concerned, I take whatever good I can find.
As for relationships, my brother has been with the same woman since he was nineteen. Unfortunately my track record is a bit bumpier. I’ve been married twice, with a couple of “common law” situations as well. But my interaction with women is nothing like that of my father. In fact, I grew up with a healthy respect for women, because of my grandmother.
How much of me I credit to my dad I am not quite sure; his blood does course through my veins. It makes me wonder sometimes—actually a lot of the time. Seeing or hearing about him with a different woman during each visit or phone conversation most likely impacted me, though it doesn’t seem to have affected my brother in the same way.
I have never used drugs, and am a social drinker at best. I have been drunk only twice in my life. I womanized during a period of my life, and even shoplifted a couple of times as a teenager, but eventually overcame both of those impulses as I matured. I have wanted to kill a few people, but only figuratively.
When you don’t know your history, you question: What part is nature; what part nurture?
“Even a broken clock is right twice a day." - anon



Joe said...

Kevin, you are one of my heros...although I doubt that heroism is something to which you aspire.

You have come a long way, and have proven that it CAN be done!

I love your writing and your blog.


The Black Sphere said...

Thanks Joe, and I hope you have pre-ordered your book?! :-)

Timeshare Jake said...

Awesome. Be ready for the attacks now. They will come for you. I will have to order a copy come payday.

The Black Sphere said...

Glad to have your support, Bill! I'm ready for them, so bring it!

Mighty Mouse said...

I know that you lived a different life than most, because of your family. I grew up in foster care during the 60's and 70's. So I do not know my family history either. Now we are rasing our granddaughter, she will be 10, we took her because I did not want to see her grow up in a drug infested life style, which is where she would be today. She is Mullato, and I love her. She is well behaved anywhere she goes.

The Black Sphere said...

@Mighty - I bet she's a doll, and you should be proud!

Rose-Bud said...

There is an old saying, "You can't change your DNA". I didn't understand what it meant until I got older, and seen what DNA has to do with a persons behavior. I've come to the conclusion that eventhough you can't change your DNA, you can change your behavior for the good, if there is "bad blood" in your family line. My brothers and sisters are evident of that, and so are you Kevin.
BTW-Your story of the Jacksons in Indy sounds the same of the Jackson line of my family that lives on the southside of chi-town. In fact, I have an older brother whose name is "Gary" cause my mother travelled over there so often. Its a small world after all...
Oh yeah, I got your book budgeted for the upcoming payday.

The Black Sphere said...

@Rose-Bud - Thanks for the insight, and for buying the book. Be sure to tell others, and I will make it worth your while!

MEG said...

Kevin, the book sounds like a great read. I will definitely be looking for it. While I cannot identify with the kind of life you must have had, there is one thing that I can relate to. Just because we are born into a family, does not mean we have to end up like them. We are also born with a free will to make our own choices. We can either emulate our parents, or do the opposite. I chose to do the opposite, as did you. It makes us appreciate our own choices, and understand others better. If you were brought up by a well to do family, you might not have ever made a difference. But because you have come so far, you will be able to really help others, and influence other young people who are stuck with such lousy parents. I hope your book is a huge success. Your words can change the country in ways Mr HopeyChangey only pretends to. I sure hope you get out on the talk circuit to sell this great book.
I do not like to order stuff on line. Will it be easy to find in the bookstore?

The Black Sphere said...

@MEG - It's not in bookstores yet. I would have had to double the prices to do that. Even making it available by purchase-on-demand, you would have to order online. NEXT book you will get in stores!

Sorry. If you catch me at a book signing you can buy it there, and no shipping charges!

My publicist is working on my schedule!

MEG said...

If you want someone to picket Harpo to get her to have you on her show, count me in! I will get my army of former Oprah fans out there. I turned her off when she endorsed the nONE. She makes me sick now, but I would go to her show if you were there, just to see if she could show a bit of real journalist integrity.
I know, I am really dreaming!

Anonymous said...

Regardless of the horrific habits you father had, it's apparent that somewhere in the mix, there was high IQ.

You may have his blood, but you made different choices. That's what counts in most people's lives ... the choices they make.

You're the man.

Do you ship to Canada?

Anonymous said...

Any plans on releasing The Big Black Lie in e-book form?

If so, check out this and the links of the sidebar.

The Black Sphere said...

@Most Rev - No problem. I appreciate the support!

The Black Sphere said...

@MEG - Haha! Don't think I will make Oprah's book club, but hopefully my fans will more than make up for that hack!

The Black Sphere said...

@Hello - I can and will ship to Canada

The Black Sphere said...

@Anon - Will investigate e-book!

Joannah said...

I've been reading your blog for a couple of months now, and I just love your point of view and your sense of humor. After reading this excerpt from your book, I have the utmost respect for you. You could have made a lot of excuses for yourself like others have, but you didn't. That makes you a rare person.

Keep speaking the truth. The world needs to hear it!


The Black Sphere said...

Thanks Joannah! Glad to have your support! The book does get funny, I assure you!

Ally said...

I am such a Fiction reader but I have enjoyed reading your blog so much that I WILL be purchasing your book!! I am a retired high school math teacher and counselor and I have to tell you that I know that I have had many many former students that have similar family history. Some choose to step off the path and pursue a different one as you did but sadly many others just followed the leader.....and repeated history. It makes me so sad. We need more independent thinkers like you as role models to save our children. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this blog!

dubby said...

I wish I could share your column with my black friends, but I'm scared they might call me racist! Thank you for all you do to jump over this huge gap between the cultures. You demonstrate life isn't about black and white skin, it is about right and wrong choices. (I ordered the book right away.)

The Black Sphere said...

@Ally - Thanks for your comment! I was one of those kids, waiting for the revelation I found in learning the REAL contributions of blacks in history. I was refreshed to see that all our history was dedicated to escaping slavery. Eye-opening to say the least! My book helps others to get a glimpse of that history, and ultimately makes better conservatives!

The Black Sphere said...

@dubby - Pass my blog along with "let me know what you guys think of this guy?" Let them decide. You will be surprised!

Lillith2008 said...

For sure will order my copy of your book this week. Seems like the message of your book which I hope resounds LOUDLY amongst our matter what hand of cards you are dealt it is up to you to play them!! So glad I connected with you on FB and I beam with pride with all that you are trying to do. Your passion is clear. You go Kev!!

The Black Sphere said...

@Lilith - So happy to have you own my book! The message of the book is really for conservatives to ALL get in the fight. Don't let all the "isms" that Dems put on us stop us! I PROVE that Dems are racists and elitists, and use "mi vida loca" as the backdrop for it, difference being I escaped the Democrat plantation. This book will help ALL conservatives, and they will see that my life was not wine and roses!

Anonymous said...

KJ, no wonder the libs hate you. You're proof that if you get rid of the excuses and want to do the right thing, you can and will suceed to the best of your abilities. Something the racist dems don't believe and why they think they must do cradle to grave control (and even after the grave they manage to rape you).

My father was a womanizer, drug abuser, drunkard, and abandon my mother at the age of 19 with a 2 and 4 year old to raise. I've seen my fair share to hardship and still do because of bigotry from both ends (a lot more difficult than BO or his spoiled wife can ever know). However, I, and why people never learn this is beyond me, took these lessons as what NOT to do and not do them. When my ex-wife cheated on me and left me for the bigger better deal, I still took my sperm donor's example of what not to do and now my children didn't have to pay the price and learn right from wrong even in bad situations. So, KJ, keep telling your story. It makes the racists and liberals look like the fools that they are.

The Black Sphere said...

@madmath1 - We have much in common my friend! Thanks for the message!

Laurie said...

See, this is typical Conservatism at work, not blaming others or our pasts for who we have become. Only the Loony Libs do that. They hang on to past grievances and make excuses for not grabbing on to any one of a million choices and opportunites laid before us in the USA.

Well Done, Kev.

The Black Sphere said...

@Laurie - Thanks, I appreciate that!

Dartmouth said...

I found your blog, book and bio via Gateway Punidt. Congratulations on your new book and an excellent blog. I intend to buy it your book. I have also recommended your blog and book to several friends here in STL, one of whom is my son-in-law who heads up a commercial a/v division here in STL. I asked him whether he knew you or had run into you in any local "bidding wars" and he said he hadn't but would like to get a chance to meet you, as would I. Let me know.
Best regards,

The Black Sphere said...

@Dartmouth - First, thanks for investing in my book. I think (hope) you will like it. It has gotten great reviews!

I hope your friends do as you are doing and buy it as well. I want LOTS of conservatives to read this book.

As for meeting, I'd be happy to meet you. Contact me at, and if my schedule permits we can set something up. I do need notice.

If the books are in, I will bring them, and sign them for all who attend and have purchased one.

Thanks again for such a kind offer!

Anonymous said...


Congratulations Kevin!
We are all very proud of you.
Have a great time at your upcoming convention.

Anonymous said...

Kevin I am ording your book as I said I would. Please sign it for me. I didn;t get to visit with you much Friday at the Restraunt. (The Mom) But we went to the fair grounds Saturday and you are a great speaker!!We really enjoyed it. We need this fair tax. And I think you will do alot for our conservative party. CC

The Black Sphere said...

@CC - Glad to have you visit the blog and to buy my book! I appreciate your comments on my performance at the Fair Tax Rally!

Anonymous said...

If this guy were literate, I might believe he wrote this book; since he isn't, I guess Glenn Beck's ghost writers wrote it for him.

Unknown said...

Kevin: Just saw you on the Glen Beck show Saturday "looking for the racists". lol! We hear you!! I am white and I work with over 100 hard working (underpaid) black men who have to live, work, and raise their kids in Detroit - they don't want anything for free - just a chance to earn a decent living. Their lives are very hard - and they need your inspiration! I wish your book was in paperback - I would buy ten at a time and pass them out at work.

Prairie Cajun Tea Partier said...

Kevin, this is really great stuff. You need a Facebook presence. It costs you nothing. The exposure to conservatives would be appreciated and well received. Congrats on the book. Keep it coming. You are an inspiration.

The Black Sphere said...

@Prairie Cajun - The book has been out for a while. You can buy it here

Jeffrey said...

Kevin, I to came from a broken home with a alcoholic father. My mother and grandmother taught me to be fair to all people, not just white people as I am white. It is refreshing to hear your thoughts as they covey the TRUE American dream of hard work and self reliance. Thank you and I hope that you plan to come to Austin, Texas sometime as all the liberals here could use a different point of view. Jeffrey

Royce C said...

Kevin, Unlike the previous positive comments, I myself find you to be a confused young man who has no idea what it is to be a true black man. I listened to you on some call in talk show and i was saying, Is this brother for real?

The Black Sphere said...

@Royce - Wow I'm sure I will lose sleep over what you think of me tonight!

For the record, I get messages from people like you and I think to myself, these silly mofos are the product of "gubment" education, and what a waste of what might be a decent brain.

Thanks for stopping by. Now back to the coloring books!