So I offer this advice to all Republicans seeking office in the coming elections. First, don't apologize…for anything.
Stupid Liberal Democrat Media: "I see in your divorce agreement you only get the kids every other weekend, Conservative Candidate."
Conservative Candidate: "Yes. That's more time that you spend with yours, and you have yours all the time. Next question."
Next, always be ready to go on the attack. As a Republican, you are within your rights. In your attack, you must call Democrats and liberals racists and elitists. Re-read that last sentence!!
Stupid Democrat Liberal Media: So why do you want to cut welfare spending? Isn't that racist?
Conservative Candidate: "You are a racist for asking that question, stupid liberal Democrat media person! For years Democrats have falsely held the high ground on issues like civil rights. I am here to correct this. So I say to blacks, that Democrats have played you for decades. They have spent almost $7T on the War on Poverty. Do the math: The government could have given every black man, woman and child, $1M+ each, yet what do blacks really have to show for this so-called war. I ask every black person in America this question: Do you think you are winning the war?
Bill and Hillary Clinton played black people for eight years. The Clintons were from Po-dunk, Arkansas, essentially perennial wards of the state—the largest welfare recipients in the history of America. That is until they took their white trash show on the road. In ascending to the highest office in the land, Bill Clinton became the "first black president"—according to blacks.
It is a slap in the face to black people to want to claim as theirs, the lowest of whites—white trash. Aside from womanizing, Clinton is slick talking, big pimping white trash president, who was on his hustle. And boy did he pimped black people! Look at exactly who gained during the Clinton years?
In 2000 Clinton didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. Read this article in the Star Tribune for more details (emphasis added by me):
"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's average net worth grew from negative $6 million to $30.7 million from 2000 to 2006, the fastest financial climb in recent years for any member of Congress who started out with no assets."
The Clintons got paid, and black people got played. Clinton's net worth has eclipsed the $100M mark.
Examine the Clinton 'hangers-on' and where they are now. Many are part of Obama's cabinet, and cashed in prior to these appointments for major bucks, that is except for Ron Brown—bug juice on the side of a mountain somewhere in Africa. Just like in the movies, the black guy doesn't make it past the first ten minutes! Black Democrats—you're being played!
Here's the wrap:
This story is not limited to the Clintons. Al Gore is making $100s of millions of the hoax of global warming. The half-white side of Obama went from poverty to being worth many millions in just over 4 years. Feinstein, Pelosi, Boxer and about all other Democrat politicians, including Crazy Joe Biden are all cashing in to some degree. All these white racist Democrat politicians have benefited greatly from black people, but what have blacks gotten for their loyalty? Nothing!
The Democrats have sold blacks on the idea of socialism as if all things will be equal for all Americans--rich versus poor, as if black people don't want to be rich?!
But as I said earlier, rules don't apply to racist Democrat elitists. If you believe for one second that Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Kennedy, Gore and their ilk will be on the same system as you or I, then you are delusional as Al Sharpton thinking he can be president.
If socialism is such as good thing, then why do all those Democrats I mentioned still live in their mansions, and not amongst the Sodomites? Why are they not giving up their wealth to prove their point that equalization or redistribution of wealth is the way to go? Proof is in action, not words. I doubt ignorant liberals understand this concept of reality.
So the fact remains—Democrats are ruthless. They prey on the stupidity of the general public, and they cook stupidity into the recipe of dealing with blacks in particular. It bears repeating. Black people—you're being played."
"I'm Conservative Candidate. And I approve this message."
Now I would vote for this candidate. And we'd better find somebody willing to go out on this fruit-filled flimsy limb—just like Reagan did.
That's my rant!
© Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere All Rights Reserved
That's funny, your rule is the same as Ann Coulter's rule. Never apologize. It bears repeating.
@JG - Coulter is right! My twist is that everything is racial...against Democrats.
VERY insightful. As always, I enjoyed reading your post!
Kevin, I have been saying this, and things like it for awhile now. I have been telling candidates that I know, to ATTACK! Come out swinging! Don;t even wait for the media to bring up your shortcomings. Include them in the press release that announces your candidacy! "Here is everything that I can think of that I have ever done wrong!....Any Questions? Now, let's get to the issues!"
Don't let them control the direction of the campaign, TAKE IT STRAIGHT AT 'EM AND RAM IT DOWN THERE THROATS!
Oh I wasn't disagreeing. Just observing. Coulter is my hero. :) So really I meant it as a compliment to your own astuteness, if that's a word (which it must be, because there's no spell-check red underline beneath it). Never apologize for anything. Usually it's something we didn't even do and most of the time it's something they did and are trying to blame us for. But you're right, expecially now with Obambi in the white house, everything has taken on a racial tint. Jeanene Garafolo is case-in-point, saying that all the "teabaggers" were rednecks motivated by the fact that a black man was in office. A friend of mine, who is black, started calling Carrie Prejean racist from day one, because, well, why not? I asked for any evidence of it and he said "it'll come out, just wait." Dude, you help keep me sane!
Really great post. I hope the candidates are listening.
@Amanda - Thanks Amanda! I enjoy reading your comments!
@Jai - We couldn't agree more! Catch the libs off guard!
@Opus - Thanks much, for visiting and commenting!
@JG - I took it the way you meant it, so no harm done!
That was harsh, and unfortunately true.
I believe in equality for everyone, but the one thing I can promise you: The government isn't going to hand it to you. You have to go out there and make it happen for yourselves. If you don't, even if you have money that the government has doled out to you, you still aren't the equal of someone who had clawed their way up and done it on their own. You're still nothing more than a pawn, to be used at their whim.
You are so correct and I have been saying this to my friends for a while. Stop apologizing!
Put the Johnson's Baby Powder on your hands and pimp slap a liberal right where they stand. Aahhhh, it feels good!
Sir RonB
I'd like to offer my input that the leaders of the republicans are just as ruthless as democrats. Maybe not as, but close.
They don't say these things that you've offered because they fear, unjustly, that it will hurt their re-election chances and that the gravy train will come to a stop.
Can you to offer me ONE elected republican that you're sure has the right intentions.
These current band of losers is selling us down the river just to save their own asses and we keep holding hope that they'll "wakeup" and get a backbone.
I heard yesterday that it is rumored that Al Gore may take Suter's place on the Supreme Court. OMG.
Great rant. We do however need the old republicans back, not the Rhino's we have been seeing. And sooner, not later.
One of the reasons I intend to help vote out ALL incumbants is that even the "good guys," like my own Connie Mack, keep acting like what they "stand" for is somehow shameful.
They refuse to use the same tactics on the Democrats that the Democrats used on them when THEY were in the minority.
Today's Republican seems so...so...so weak and helpless.
Great post! Just found your site through another link. I'll definitely be back. I lumme some rant, especially one that makes sense!
Wish there were candidates out there that would do this. I'd even volunteer for their campaigns.
Excellent, I reposted it, hope you don't mind. After more than 40 years of the war on poverty, are things better or worse in our inner cities? Wonder what people in Baltimore, St. Louis, Kansas City, and Detroit would say? Or closer to home those in Gary, Indiana?
FRM:Wiil...Kevin I found your spot on Town Hall..if I didn't know better I would say the Kevin on those threads was you(?)Lol!..I would like to suggest that you also the lamestream media the lame sycophatic media.....keep up te great work and I will keep on reading..Thanks
Frm Will:kevin forgive my typos,seems my little girl has sticky fingers when se use's my laptop!
From Will:Kevin now the DemonRats have a new class of people to exploit..Latinos and Hispanics.as an American of Mexican dissent I find this appauling at best,they-the Libs are so self serving that I am affraid they will take these individuals and do to them what they have done to the Black communities..use them for all their worth!!!
This is probably an extremely silly question, but I'll take a chance anyway. I know how Algore made his millions - scamming people on global warming. However, how did Hillary and Obama and others you mentioned make their money in just the amount of time you stated?
@Julie - Al Gore on the Supreme Court. Yikes!
@Joe - I agree, with incumbent Repubs. Either get some cojones, or get out!
@Nicole - I too would work on the campaign of somebody with a pair!
@Aaron - As long as you provide a link back to me, you can repost. Glad you like what you saw!
@Anon - GUILTY! It is I who posts on Townhall! Now YOU do it for me! :-)
@Mia - To match Al Gore, all Hillary and Obama did was get elected to public office. In the case of Hillary, she tugged on the coattails of Bill. He is getting $100K - $250K per speech these days, and writing lame books. On the board of various corporations, etc. It adds up.
Kevin, are you a preacher in your spare time? You speak the truth!
I remember the clintons years (as well as the nightmares I have) and remember how the "African Americans" praised him as the first black president. When I asked them exactly what did they gained I either got a blank stare or an accusation I was racist. I never got one answer. He even cut welfare and made it mandatory that they find work within 5 years. If a republican president, say like Bush, had done that, there would had been riots. No, they continue to play the fool and allow themselves to be played.
The biggest problem isn't just that republicans keep apologizing (even when they're right), but the biggest reasons why they got hit so badly was two fold. One, they acted too much like liberals trying to get the liberals sympathies and votes. Dumb move. They're never going to vote for Republicans because they're racist and ignorant and alienated many true hearted Americans and conservatives. Not to mention, these guys (Liberals) will eat their own young (just look at the abortion issue) so they'll definately eat them alive if they try to be too much like the libs. And, two, voter fraud. The big states are going to the dems because of the massive fraud being perpetrated by ACORN. If anyone believes that BO is going to let ACORN go down is crazy. Here in California, Finestien (I call her Frankenstein, the other Bouncer) keeps winning by 1 to 2 hundred thousands votes, even though about 3 million of them are from dead, invalids, pets, illegals, or out of state votes. If the Republicans go with the strategy of 2008, we are going to be finished because the GOP will be cooked like a chicken at KFC with 11 herbs and spices. The GOP need to stop making friends with enemies they're never going to get through to and go back to what made them great instead of policies and stands of being RINO's that will having Ronald Reagan turning and barfing in his grave.
The GOP better wake up. If the dems keep the supermajority in both houses in 2010, then things can only get worse and the laws that they can rubber stamp through will only assure a one party system. The GOP should of all people know the horrid consequences. The sense of urgency better be kicked up before the game is out of reach.
You're right. The GOP must get back in the game and engage, and they must do it fast. No apologies necessary.
@Darla - No preaching, but I will if they let me! :-)
@madmath1 - If Feinstein is only winning by that few votes, then there is a shot my friend. Let's get her out.
Bernard Goldberg was spot on when he wrote, "Crazies to the Left of Me, Wimps to the Right: How One Side Lost Its Mind and the Other Lost Its Nerve."
(BTW Goldberg is a life-long dem-o-crat!)
Personally, I'm just disgusted with the left, but I'm angry as hell with the wimps on the right!!!
We have a pres whose legacy with be either:
"B Hussein Obama, America's first black president, who DESTROYED OUR COUNTRY..."
"B Hussein Obama, America's first black president, who 'ALMOST' DESTROYED OUR COUNTRY..."
What will it be? It's up to us!
If we can't get the Supreme Court to hear Orly Taitz case, then we have to be sure that we have a candidate who will run with a PROMISE to REPEAL everything Obozo has done!
The nearest the two parties have come to agreement is, the Democrats don’t want to fight wars and the Republicans don’t want to win them. The Republicans won’t take yes for an answer and the Democrats cannot resist the sweet smell of surrender.
Let the GOP die as it so rightly deserves. The party allowed itself to be infiltrated and taken over by neocon shills. When they chose McCain as their candidate, I could do nothing more than laugh and realize that the GOP is done. Put a fork in 'em cause it's over for them. Gingrich got a hair up his ass thinking he could come back to life.....NOT. Same shit, different decade. Anyone who would consider voting for that fat bag of gutter gas needs to look at their roots and realize that it's not about the candidate, it's about the ideals and the line in the sand said candidate will draw. You had your chance with Ron Paul and completely blew it. He was the ONLY conservative in the race yet was demonized and blackballed by the media.
If you are a true conservative and wish to see yourself represented by true conservatives, don't expect that from the GOP. Expect more smoke blowing bullshit followed by empty promises. I'd think you'd have figured that out after seeing Bush I and Bush II decimate what little name you had for yourselves. I left the GOP well over 15 years ago once it was clear they were nothing more than a slightly different party than the dems but promised all grades of lip service.....all of which were lies.
We supposedly have a red and a blue party. Bullshit. We have a purple party. The purple party doesn't give a damn about the Constitution or about the tenets upon which this nation was founded. If you've become comfortable in your serfdom, you won't care. You'll defend your purple party. Good for you. When you decide to impose your condition on those of us who prefer liberty, that's when the fireworks will begin.
very eloquent. I like the purple party analogy, im gonna use that. (dont expect royalties)
mccain was actually a pretty good politician...
right up until he became a candidate for office....
oh where is the mccain of old days past?
@Anne - Great comment!! Love the BO legacy comment.
@The Black Sphere: Thank you. :-)
The OTHER thing that we ABSOLUTELY NEED to keep in mind is that "we"... as in "We The People" are Congress' oversight committee.
And, "We The People" have not been doing our job!!!
@Anne - I agree we have been off the job, but we are back on the clock!
Wonderfully said! We shouldn't apologize for the stance that the individual can improve their own life way beyond what the government can do for them. I told the Republican party earlier this year that the message they need to send is that governement programs keep you poor while convincing you they're taking care of you. They have to make sure they tell the people that they can take care of themselves.
And you are so right about who the real racists are. I always wondered why the people who thought that race should never be a deciding factor were considered racists while the people who though it should always be a factor were not.
@Tommi - Thanks for the comment. The idea of this blog is to TEACH conservatives to stop apologizing!! Tell everybody about us, and be sure to check out our videos www.youtube.com/theblacksphere01
Kev, Kev, Kev. I just discovered you about a week ago and you are my new crush (used to be Hannity, so you're in good company). It's tough being a white girl living in Detroit. You are the voice of the future of the Republican party. Let me ask you: Have OReilly or Sean come calling to have you on their show(s)? You need to start being a regular on FoxNews network shows. I said such to both of them and sent them your bio and your blog link.
Keep it up, Kevin. Your efforts and your truth-telling are much appreciated.
You have a knack for entertaining, to the point, blogs. It bugs me that the Tea Party people were branded racists by the liberal media.
My opinion is since the liberal media has nothing to write on the merits of Obamas policies they present these ridiculous claims against conservatives to appease their liberal audience. The good news is only the most leftwing liberal watches this garbage.
First visit here. I just want to say incredible.
@ Jim Fraser:
Please don't let it bother you that the Tea Party people were branded racists by the liberal media.
I'm just hoping that the July 4th Tea Parties will make them ca-ray-zee!
I'll be at the DC Tea Party July 4th with my daughter and three grand children... 5yrs, 3yrs. and 1yr., all of whom will be carrying plastic pitch forks, courtesy of Discovery Toys. :-)
I'll be carrying a sign questioning Obozo's eligibility!
Ann, at risk of seeming obtuse, what do the pitchforks symbolize?
@Laurie - I'm glad you discovered me and enjoy what you read! I hope you will invite others, and be sure to check out our videos on www.youtube.com/theblacksphere01. We need those emailed, linked to, etc. as they hit HOME! Thanks again for your support!
@Jim - There is no "news" on the left, only propaganda. But those days will end as ObamaNation drives us ALL to drink. That's when we will all be waiting in the vodka lines, saying, "I told you so, to those knuckleheads!"
@shoprat - Thanks for the compliment. If I would want to be summarized in one word, "incredible" is a good choice! Thanks again!
Sarah Martin
Kevin, I read your blog on Republicans using the race card, so to speak. I was told I was a racist since I wouldn't vote for Obama...so I pointed to my liberal friend and told I voted for a black man YEARS before her when I voted for Alan Keyes and SHE must be a racist since she didn't vote for a black man before now! THAT shut her up! As always your rants make me laugh and JUST MAKE SENSE!
Now people THAT'S what I'm talking about!!! Read the comment right before this one from Sarah. That's how you handle racist liberals!
After watching coverage on MSNBC on Carrie Prejean, I think we also need to call them out every time they attack the messenger instead of the message. It's their main weapon and we need to strip it from them.
@Tommi - I agree wholeheartedly! Great observation!
Like always Kevin you are dead on!! I would love to have you in a debate with these thugs. We need a strong person to stand up to them, tell the world the truth and put them in their place. I am tired of wimps, we need someone with a backbone. I want someone who will say it like it is and not hold back. These thugs need to be put in their place.
The truth will set us FREE!!
@Nancy - Thanks, Nancy. I think we will have a real candidate soon! They will get the word soon!
Love your blog! When are you going to run for office? We could use a gov. in IL. The ones so far do nothing but cost us taxpayers a lot of money for their upkeep, in prison.
I am going to make a confession to you, because I feel a bit guilty. Every time I see the mug of the current thug who has stolen the white house, I call him all kinds of racist names. I have never said such things to anyone in my life. Obama has made me a racist! It makes me feel awful. I thought he was going to bring us all together. The man scares the daylights out of me!! I do not hate him for his color. I hate him for what he is doing to us.
@Meg - To quote another great racist Dem, "I feel your pain." - B. Clinton.
As for calling O racial names...get ahold of yourself! Don't become what THEY are! I can't support racism, which is why I am on the side of Republicans. But I won't tolerate it from Republicans. If you are racist, go HOME to the DEMS!
Obama provides enough reasons not to like him that have NOTHING to do with color.
Glad to have you here, but get a grip! :-)
Okay, pal...I'm suing you...for the dry cleaning bills that I'm incurring after reading your 'rants.' Black, white or green...no matter...you are a funny, funny son of a gun.
excellent, excellent rant. first time here and I'm already hooked.
@Da Sicilian - Send me the bill. I will have the "gubment" take care of it! Thanks for the visit, and the compliment! I hope you come back, bring others...especially liberals for waterboarding.
@Greg - Thanks for visiting, and for the kind words. Visit often!
You have an excellent blog here.
I sent Greg over and have blogrolled you. Mine is not a mega-blog, but hopefully I can generate a few new readers for you.
Good job, sir.
@LA - Thanks kind Sir! I appreciate you sending Greg, and for your support as well!
Any republican who will apologize, or wimp out, or dilute or ameliorate or water down or weaken his stand for conservative principles is NOT a conservative, even though he or she might be PRETENDING to be one.
If you want real gutsy conservatives in office, don't vote for the OTHER KIND! Like Charlie Crist...
DON"T BE FOOLED! Did you hear Crist's anncment he was running? He bravely took a stand for NO KIND OF PRINCIPLE AT ALL.
Do not vote for them if they will not speak for you. a republican majority is useless, as we've seen over the past decade, if they do not speak for principle and accomplish goals with principles attached.
one commenter said "I believe in equality for everyone" before explaining why it won't happen.
DO NOT FORGET, equality for everyone is IMPOSSIBLE, LITERALLY impossible, because every human being is DIFFERENT.
Liberal dreams of equality are phony, useless, and for the politicians, hypocritical, given that they're all getting rich and nobody else is even getting EQUAL because of what they do... they're talking the game and playing a different game. Equality is impossible. We should strive for excellence instead.
I just discovered this website -- very interesting and intelligent. I agree that blacks folks have been "played" by the Democrats, especially in places like my hometown of Philadelphia. My question is: how and why do you think Republicans would do better?
P.S. I am an Independent black woman who doesn't trust ANY politicians. However, I did vote for McCain as the lesser of two evils.
@Anon - Glad you discovered my blog site. Read more of my blogs and you will get your answer on "Why Republicans?" Google The Black Sphere The Intervention, as that is a funny one to learn on.
When the hell are you gonna run for office???!!!!
Hmmmm... "Jindal/Jackson 2012"
That has a ring to it. Hurry the hell up and get a congressional seat in 2010 so I can fight for you and Bobby 2 years later.
We don't need anymore mealy-mouthed RepubliCrats like Rudy Giuliani and Arnold Schwarzenegger. A coupla kick-ass bad-asses like you and Jinndal will dovetail nicely into the resurgent Reagan Revolution..
I'm serious, Kevin. The Republican Party needs men who clang when they walk!
BTW,I've added The Black Sphere to my blogroll.
You're as subtle as a napalm run. I freakin' LOVE IT!!
Vir Speluncae Catholicus
MSgt USMC (ret)
MSgt - I love the smell of napalm in the morning...and evening, when it comes to strafing runs on liberals!
But I can see some benefits to the coming Sharia law:
Hillary will have to take the veil, literally.
No more political office for Nancy Pelosi.
No more yammering about Michelle's arms, because they'll covered by a burka.
But if they try to put one of those rags on my wife, they'll have to get past me and my shotguns.
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