In the 70s, Nixon bailed out LBJ's fiasco in Vietnam. Had he been president earlier, (1) we may never have gone to Vietnam, and (2) if we had, we would have kicked their butts—and the Russians.
Nevertheless this blog is about warmongering racist Democrat presidents. In this exposé, let's begin with Jimmy "Peanut Head" Carter, whom I say with authority is the worst president in modern history—feel free to remove "modern," if you're a purist.
Spineless racist Democrat Carter fathered the radical Muslim jihadist movement, when he allowed a group of Iranian students to take over our embassy in Tehran, and hold 66 Americans hostage, as report here:
On November 4, 1979, an angry mob of some 300 to 500 "students" who called themselves "Imam's Disciples," laid siege to the American Embassy in Teheran, Iran, to capture and hold hostage 66 U.S. citizens and diplomats. Although women and African-Americans were released a short time later, 51 hostages remained imprisoned for 444 days.
You will find it interesting that the Jimmy Carter library report of this incident calls the students "militants", as if they were some highly trained group of elite folks who did this. Whatever.
Carter tried to rescue the hostages with a failed military operation, mainly to try to save face after the hostages had been in captivity for so long, as the American public was growing weary. The mission— indicative of the Carter presidency—was a dismal failure. So the hostages remained—that is until Reagan was elected president.
Minutes after Reagan was sworn in, the hostages were released. Anybody want to take a guess at what the Iranians were thinking, as to how Ronald Wilson Reagan would handle things? Let's just say that waterboarding would have been the least Khomeini's issues. Imagine if Obama had been elected under the same circumstances?
Next racist Democrat president failure—Bill "Why'd you keep the blue dress Monica" Clinton. Do you wonder why the Somalis are so bold as to challenge the world's shipping industry, and the power and might of the US military? Can you say "Blackhawk Down?"
Clinton's inability to handle war with a third-world African nation was put on display against an elite band of Somali fighters. And in typical Democrat president style, Clinton botched a job a fifth-grader could have achieved with a military like ours. Talk about disgracing the most powerful military in the world. When you can't defeat a ragtag group of terrorists, and essentially have to high-tail it out of a country under BB-gun fire, that just speaks volumes of the Idiot in Chief.
Here's the wrap:
Clinton did take a stab at redemption, shooting a missile at an aspirin factory—oh, and at an intern named Monica Lewinsky. One missile missed its mark. [Giggle]
Thankfully George W. Bush stepped in and re-established America's position on "Don't Mess with Texas," by kicking some Iraqi tail. Bush also told the world that the US is not beholden to anybody when it comes to our sovereignty and protecting our citizens.
With all the potential world hot spots looming, is there any sane person who believes Obama to be the right man for the job? I know he was recently battle-tested in Somali with that confrontation...with the four Somali pirates.
"At least he did better than Clinton," I can hear Obama's racist liberal admirers saying. To them I quote Madeline Kahn from Blazing Saddles, "It's twue, it's twue!" If only Obama were to do for America what Cleavon Little did for Rock Ridge?
The lesson in history is that Democrats start wars—Republicans finish them. And if history is any indicator, after America disposes one spineless so-called Democrat leader, we will get a good strong Republican president to restore America to her past greatness. This next time we get rid of a spineless racist Democrat, let's try to keep it that way.
That's my rant!
Check out our latest video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1gXG1PY5bM
© 2009 Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere All Rights Reserved

Let's get one thing straight, here...president (w/a small p) Carter was not a turkey...he would more aptly fit into the 'loon' category or perhaps a pigeon...no wait...cuckoo comes to mind, too...
But that's just too much fowl language for a blog...but I didn't want to duck the issue.
Clinton? I'd peg him as a woodpecker or a hummingbird, but that's another topic for another day.
Great post! Great blog! LBJ, Carter, Clinton...what a pack of losers. But there's something that all these Dems have that keeps people voting again and again for the pie-in-the-sky that never seems to get delivered. Then they scratch their heads and wonder why their taxes just doubled. It wont matter much now. One of the results of the current crop of Democrats will be a worthless currency.
@Da Sicilian - Clever bird you are!
@skep41 - Thanks for the compliment! I agree with your assessment too!
Helle-blooming-luja! I remember Carter all too well, and I was just a kid. The "pacifist" approach to governing our nation just doesn't work. I don't know why they keep believing that if we're just nice to the world then they'll be nice to us. Idiots, the lot of them.
Kevin, as usual you are on the mark! America keeps electing these guys AFTER a Republican cleans up the mess. The voters always seem to forget how we got into the position in the first place. The real problem is that people are too lazy to do any research, and the only ones out there "educating" them have a liberal agenda. The conservatives have to go into these neighborhoods that ACORN goes into, armed with the facts, and educate these people on what is really going on, and the actual, historically proven results of this type of government.
I keep saying it over and over to all of the Conservatives, and to the Tea Party Movement:
Do YOU Have the Courage of Your Convictions?
That's MY rant!
@Tommi - Glad you agree, my friend. We need to keep these weak-kneed chumps front and center for America.
@Jai - Rant away my friend! Glad to get your comments!
Sheila Brannon Pinda at 11:10am May 13
I needed a good laugh
Jibreel Riley at 11:16am May 13
haha, Carter
What does WW1,WW2,Korean War,Vietnam War all have in common? A Democratic President.
Actually, I pray that you are right, and that we do elect a strong, truely conservative Republican next time.
In fact, I hope we start with the congressionals.
But I am not very optimistic.
Too many Americans are voting for apathy.
I called a guy apathetic the other day. He answered, "I don't care."
Great rant! Glad I found this blog, gives me strength to hear more voices of truth and common sense!
@Joe - Don't let the MSM or others get you down. Conservatives rise to the occasion, when the chips are down.
@Trish - We are GLAD to have you! Thanks for the comment, and come often bringing friends!
Joanie Ruetz at 12:33pm May 13
...... LOVE your dont mess with Texas referance and dont mess with TEXANS!
Perfect! Now, why can't the "progressives" see the facts of history? Carter still makes me cringe when I hear or see him. Thanks Kevin!
Well all I have to say is, Sarah Palin for President 2012!
The fear du jour for me right now, is how BO is leaving Israel in a ditch. Bibi, may well have to act unilaterally against the likes of IRan et al. I do not think that BO has desire to help them out...is he getting advice from Carter...or what? (the 'or what'...REALLY scares me!)
@Da Sic - I agree his Israel policy is a bit fluid!
Personally, I think BO is the worst president in U.S. history.
My story, and I'm sticking with it.
To Black Sphere:
Here, "saludos" from Brazil
No, I didn't vote for that bearded guy that accuses you all for all the disgraces of the world, from economic crisis to global warmth.
Love to read your blog and told to my sister, who is a conservative at heart.
Maria Edi, from Brazil
@Chip - I stand corrected - BO is the worst president in history!
Well said, as always. :)
@Didi - Maria, saludos! Glad to have you reading my blog. I wish it translated into "Brazilian" [that's a joke], so more people could read my stuff! Obama likely believes Brazilian is a language!
Anyway, pass it along to whomever can read English, and if I need to translate my upcoming book into Portuguese, then I will!
I just have to get my bird comment in here. Carter is a cowbird. Moves into someone else's nest, lays an egg, the egg pushes all that is good out of the nest and takes it over. Yup, definitely a cowbird.
Great rant as usual. permissum validus iunctum
@Lady Julie - Great comment as usual, and I must say, I didn't get the last part, as I am rusty on my "Austrian."
Trish expressed it pretty well for me too. As far as your reply to her, I'll be talkin' you up!
@Stanley - Glad to have you! Please visit often, and bring others! Also check out our videos www.youtube.com/theblacksphere01
Kevin, if BO became president after Carter? Are you trying to scare me to death or what? Not only would the hostages still be Iran, he would had released the Gitmo prisoners, pull out of all our Middle Eastern interest, he let them keep the hostages and let them do what they want, oil would had quadrupled again (anyone remember those gas lines? brrrrrr), and let's not forget what the interest and inflation rates were when peanut brain was in office. BO would had sent us into Brazilan terrority with 900% with interest rates at loan shark rates. Oh, let's not forget what unemployment was as well, I'm not sure of the exact figure somewhere between 9% to 11% and going up. BO would have had it in depression numbers by the end of the first year.
Let's see what were getting today. Soon, the Islamic enemies will feel they can do anything they want if they don't already. Soaring deficits that will give us hyperinflaction, unemployment at 9%and rising, interest rate is at 0% but only for now because of the forclosure debacle and that's still getting worse. Soon as inflation hits, that will increase at twice the rate, oil is going up and he would like it to go up over $200 and have us paying between $10 to $15 a gallon. What's worse is that Carter had also terrible energy policies that made energy prices just horrid at the time. Now we're going to have forced "green" policies that will make Carter's look like an oil tycoon was in office. Seems like we're getting more of the same with BO. Carter II, the final insult.
I know sooner or later we're going to get some libs that will note that Wilson and FDR won WWI and WWII. Though they won the conflicts, they weren't thinking about the political ramifications during the wars and it would cost the world dearly both times. After WWI, Wilson, thinking he was the messiah, thought he would be ushering world peace (remember WWI was branded the war to end all wars). Thinking by ushering socialism the world will finally be at peace, but the results were a complete disaster. Russia fell to communism, the Western powers were bankrupt and taking it out on Germany that would fall for racial socialism of their own. The European imperial powers were in economic ruin and the countries they occupied fell to economic suppression. It was a world wide disaster. Only the US came out ahead but that was temporary til 1929.
As for World War II, Churchill was warning FDR for years what was to come if the political policies he was enacting would continue: the rise of Communism. Given FDR's socialist policies, I'm not sure it wasn't intentional. However, at the end, China and Korea was set to fall, Russia had most of Eastern Europe (by agreement no less) and under Truman that finish the war, Russia got the bomb as well as the missle technology from the captured German installations.
Truman with Korea, had done the right thing, at first, when NK nearly took the whole country (only a port on the south western tip was the only thing between them and complete victory). McArthur counter by hitting up north and cutting them off and nearly taking the whole country and eliminating the communist threat once and for all til China got involved. McArhtur wanted to invade and wipe out China's ability to make war, Truman responded by firing him. China gained back what North Korea lost of their own country and stalemated at the 38th parallel and that's where we are today. The war never officially ended (both side signed a cease fire, but that's it). To this day, North and South Korea are still officially at war. Had truman listen to McArthur, not only would there be no North Korea today, China wouldn't be the military threat it is today.
Vietnam was actually started by JFK and escallated to war by LBJ when he learned that his helicopter business would make a fortune selling to the military. So he started that war with the intent to drag it on as long as possible so he can make his millions which he did.
See dems history is clear on one thing, they start wars and lose the peace (Bush will be the first Republican to do so, but he was more of a lib than a conservative). I can only imagine what's going to result from afghanistan with BO. Starting or escalating that war but losing the peace there with the nukes next door. I hope I don't cry out in my sleep over this.
@shoprat - He will be gone in 4 years I predict, off to rule some other country!
@madmath1 - Dude, I have to pack a lunch when reading your responses! But glad you are here! :-)
I was a Bell Huey mechanic '75-'85.I served and flew with many 'Nam vet that would talk about the OH-6 Hughes helicopter and how good it was. But under LBJ due to the other LBJ's(Lady Byrd)huge holding's in Bell Helicopter the military switched from the OH-6 to the Bell OH-58.By all accounts the OH-6 was a superior aircraft.
I remember driving through Georgia while in high school when Carter was prez. There was big billboard right outside Atlanta that said "The farmers of Georgia apologize to the farmers of the United States for helping elect Carter!"
Carted was just a spineless wimp. Nothing against wimps, but if that is what you are, DON'T LEAD A MCDONALD'S, LET ALONE A COUNTRY!"
Obama will have to go aways to match Carter, he is the gold standard for weak presidents. A deer in front of a Peterbilt. One similarity between Obama and Carter is both were elected as a backlash. Carter was the backlash for Watergate and Obama for Bush/financial crisis. Inevitably, the alcholics wake up from the binge and say, "Jeez, what the hell did I do last night?"
There will be fringe elements who are diehards, but an increasingly number of people are independents, loyal to neither party. I say to the conservatives, keep fighting, but just relax a bit, look at historical political cycles, and let the Dems hang themselves. They are so drunk with power, it is inevitable. Just plan for 2010!
@Anon - Very astute comment! Love the drunk analogy!
Not to mention after our military's bodies were drug in the street and desecrated, Clinton actually had our troops back down, and, indeed, escort and transport, Aidid (Somali faction leader), via air, to a conference in another country.
What a punk!
An interesting post and I'll only speak to one part of it, namely the suggestion that the Iranians released the hostages for fear of Reagan's reaction as opposed to Carter's. Its not an accurate reading of history. In the final days of Carter's presidency, a deal was struck for the hostage's release, The Algiers Accords, concluded on Jan. 19th, 1981. The Iranians were out to humiliate Carter however, so they didn't make the release until Jan. 20, moments after Reagan was sworn in. They were not worrying about Reagan, rather they were following through on a deal struck with Carter, but in a way designed to be as humiliating as possible.
I wouldn't remove worst 'modern" president,I would however say the worst ever to date.Also one of those terrorists who took over the embassy was none other then the current leader of Iran.
@Nancy - I agree. Dragging our military men's dead bodies is not torture however, per Obama.
@Aaron + Alaine - I beg to differ. I know Carter was part of the negotiation, but embarrassing him was not the key issue. They KNEW Reagan wouldn't play. Don't give me revisionist crapola. Carter was weak, Reagan was strong. You ask yourself what Reagan would have done to get our hostages, and you have your answer. Sure there was symbolism in waiting, but the real symbolism was that Reagan didn't play. Ask Gorbachev!
@Anon - Great point that Ahmedinejad was one of the students!
Ahmanutjob was not just one of the students involved in the embassy siege, he was a leader of the students involved.
Kevin, another great post. Yes, you are right about the Dems and Vietnam, yet it is Nixon who took the heat with the "mad bomber Nixon". It was hardly fair.
@Maggie - Love the name for Ahmed!
Excellent post. Jimmy Carter was not the worst president. Woodrow Wilson was. Had we not tipped the scales in WWI, we probably would not have gotten Lenin Stalin and Hitler
@Anon - Thanks for the compliment. I believe Wilson to be in the Top 5 for bad presidents, however Carter is the worst. Ushered in moderned day jihadiss!
I wish I could pass along your columns and the comments to the people I love, but they are huge Carter fans, and any attempt to talk about politics makes them get hysterical. That is one of the main reasons I have turned on the Democrats, because we can't have a dialogue. I can't ask a question without someone ranting "You watch Fox news, you watch Fox news!!!" (I don't watch tv news. I read lots of sources.) Nobody wants to think anymore. They just want to feel good. I wish you lived in my town.
@redtree... - You should send this blog to Carterites. Don't avoid them, confront them!
Keep reading my blogs, but go back and look at a few of them that deal with racism. They will help you understand how to "reach" some of your racist Democrat friends.
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