When you consider for example that China recently "cut up America's credit card," one would think comedians would have pounced all over this? The fact that a black president is the reason America's credit is now in the toilet has all kinds of funny implications.
The Black Sphere News – Breaking News, May 6
WASHINGTON - "With the recent confiscation of America's credit card by the Chinese, we have proof that Obama is indeed more black than white."
Pre-Messiah, the US had 45 countries buying our T-bills. That number is down to 16 in less than 100 days. At this rate, Obama will have to ask his mother-in-law to co-sign for his Blackberry service. God forbid Obama has to use his daughters' credit to apply to get the electricity reconnected in the White House. A blackout in the White House.
Recall that Obama actually said that Austrians speak… Austrian! Where was Joe Biden when Obama needed him as a wingman to say something even more stupid than Obama's comment? How many languages could we have invented on this Obama gaff?
The way I figure it, all American are multi-lingual by Obama "Harvard educated" standards. We all speak Austrian, Mexican, and African to name just a few.
Here's something to consider. Obama the narcissist is dying his hair. And it's been just over 100 days. What about all the metrosexual jabs people could take at Mr B-Cup? My bet is he is getting his eyebrows waxed, facials—and of course colonics—likely administered by Rahm Emanuel.
Speaking of narcissism, what about Obama's need to pre-empt American Idol to hold his "nothing new here" conferences. Something tells me that if there was a show called World Idol, American Idol would be safe from interruption.
Obama was going to adopt a pound pup, but ended up getting a Portuguese water dog…a gift from "a Kennedy." Asked for comment, Obama said, "It was only fitting that I get a water dog, to join me when I walk on water." And they named the dog "Bo." Please comics, where are you, chickenheads?!
The selection of Joe Biden as Vice-President—Honestly, does it get any funnier than this? There is a saying that smart people surround themselves with people who compliment their weaknesses. I guess we can conclude from Obama's VP and cabinet selections that he has no weaknesses, and is in need of no help. Because he has surrounded himself with the most incompetent cabinet and group of advisors in the country. Republican's couldn't have picked a more idiotic crew for Obama.
Republicans: "Hey, let's give Obama Dan Quayle…nah, Quayle's too qualified! ROFL!"
Obama banned torture of terror suspects, yet the American public was tortured routinely for some time now having to view Janet Napolitano's mug discussing the Swine Flu epidemic. Where's Janet Reno when you need her? By the way, are there any attractive liberal women in Obama's cabinet?
Do we even need to discuss Obama's need for a teleprompter?
The Black Sphere News, May 6
WASHINGTON - In what some might consider a drastic move, Obama replaced his eyeball lenses with two miniature TOTUS, negating the need for a teleprompter. Asked for comment, Obama said, "I'm so happy about this, so much so I just wish that I had more eyeballs. I'm just so happy!"
Here's the wrap:
I read somewhere that the reason there aren't more jokes about Obama is that truth is really funnier than anything anybody can write. I agree with this, though I suspect people are being "hands off" on Obama for other reasons. He just gives us too much fodder to be almost completely ignored.
As for Lefty comedians, I think Stewart and Colbert, et al are too wimpy to address the racial aspects of the Obama failed presidency--at least thus far. They will likely guise it in the notion that saying anything about the president being black is racist. I say not saying anything about the president being black is racist. Is a black man too fragile to be teased? Is the Left really ready to concede that Bush is tougher than Obama?
Personally, I just hope that Obama can get America's credit scores back up. It saddens me to think that the White House is being decorated with stuff from Rent-A-Center.
That's my rant!
© 2009 Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere All Rights Reserved

Teddy the Swimmer...and a Whatever Water Dog...Darn!
LOL Kevin! At least someone is mining the treasure trove of humor in all of this. I'll add a couple more things I've noticed that prove Democrat Racism.
1. "Obama is the smartest president we've ever had," Never mind we haven't even seen his school records, he can't string two non-teleprompted sentences together without a dozen uhs and he has to keep a gaffe machine like Joe around to put things in perspective.
2. "Isn't Michelle the most beautiful person you've ever seen?" I mean, come on people, she's average at best and more importantly, her personality isn't exactly glowing no matter how much spin you put on it.
If that's not pandering I don't know what is.
@Sam - Didn't even need to "go there" with Teddy the Nutcase.
@John P. - Great catches!
They're all just afraid of getting personally attacked by the WH press corps & Gibbs.
word verf = nobeat
I can't stop laughing at the aged photo you made. It looks like if Morgan Freeman and David Dinkins had a baby together.
You forgot about the Cinco de Cuatro gaffe on Monday. Translated into Five of Four.
Sir RonB
Sir RonB - Dude you always amaze me! Yes agree on Freeman/Dinkins lovechild! Too funny! And Cinco de Quatro...I missed that! Good stuff!
Michael Shaw at 9:45am May 6
Kevin, this is classic and should be in a major publication. Have you taken this idea Regency Press or another publisher?
@Kevin, I keep my racial jokes about Obama to myself. I wouldn't want to offend Mr. Olberman, et al.
Loved it Kevin (that picture DOES look a lot like Morgan Freeman, HA!). I've noticed that if you want to be a true white liberal, especially now that we have a black president, you absolutely HAVE to hate the color of your own skin and let other liberals know how much you loath yourself for being white. What liberals don't get (Stewart, Olberman, Garofalo) is that kind of mentality makes them more of a racist than anyone because they force themselves to see the world in white and black terms only. What I want to know is, wasn't Garofalo's comment about Blacks at the teaparties having Stockholm syndrome EXTREMELY RACIST? Where's Al Sharpton when you need him?
The fact that the media that made a complete joke out of everything out of Bush's mouth but don't touch BO's not only stumbling, but complete stupidity that comes out of his mouth, shows their bias. I wish I could say it's because they think a black man's ego (this one anyways) is too fragile to take a joke. No, it's because they really are serious in they believe these stupid ideas. After all, you stop a pandemic by allow more infected people (actaully only if they're illegal) into the country. Yea, as the two guys would say in that old beer commerical "brilliant".
The real wrap with the media is they're not going to see the humor in the graffe is because it make their stances look foolish which they are. It exposes their stupidity and bigotry (depending on the issue at hand). Frankly, they really think he's the messiah and don't really see the wrong or the silliness involved. How he's doing great with the economy though 26 countries dropped us like a pass to Terrell Owens on 3rd down and 5 yards out of field goal range. Where those 3rd world countries by the way? I mean if the 3rd world can see this for the garbage that it is, why can't the media? Because they don't want the truth to be known or they're just plain blind, deaf, and dumb (and wonder why their sinking into the sewer).
He want's to put Americans back to work, but the joke is on the construction workers. Only non-whites which means mainly illegals will be getting the contracts. What a joke there. I can see why nobody is laughing. The joke will be one on us when the infrastruture collaspes because it's up to 3rd world standards.
The joke is on the media because this man is a complete narcassic anda man made disaster(ist). The problem is the media is so gaga over him. They have too much invested in this man to look at things objectively and not only miss the humor in the complete baffoonary of this Administration, but the seriousness of the trouble he's putting us in. The best joke in all this is you can take the media's take on him and add those two beer guys and say "brilliant" to it and get a good laugh because they truly believe that. In the end, the joke will be on the American people as more and more of his bad, stupid, and just plain silly ideas start to manifest it's consequences in the real world.
@madmath1 - Nice rant, my man! Good ideas therein...
Kevin, one other thing. There's a great article at thechronicleherald.ca called "the things you don't read about Barack Obama." by Andrew W. Smith. I think all conservatives should read it.
LOL! Great stuff, that had me rolling!! I got nothing to add other than when I navigated over to read this and saw Obama riding the pig my first thought was, "Hey look, it's Mongo from Blazing Saddles!" Then I realized, naw that can't be Mongo. Mongo is smarter!!
Best! abe
I second Abe's comment, good humor and I couldn't agree with your opening statement more...
"It has been said that because Obama was elected, the Left has no comedic fodder, as they did with Bush. I think this is a complete crock of crap."
I think that Obambi is black sure has something to do with it but even if O was white, the leftist comics would have a hard time making fun of a president they put up on a pedastal during the campaign. To make fun of him now would be admitting that "he aint all that"
Of course he was put up on that pedastal mostly because he was black....
@49er - Offending Olbermann...I'd like to see that! He apparently has no bounds to his hypocrisy!
@abe - Glad to make you laugh, my man! The comments are cracking me up, with things I missed!
@chicagoray - Welcome to the club, my man! Thanks for the comment.
@Leigh - So right in that they would have to admit that Obummer is a fad!
@nerbygirl - Let's hit the circuit!
Oh wow. Lots of things i hadn't noticed. Picking Tuesday nights for his "conferences" says a lot. "Wait, young Americans! You haven't forgotten about me, right! I'm still your real idol, right?"
I'm really sad I haven't seen the "cinco de quatro" quote anywhere in the news. There have to be SOME Mexicans out there laughing their asses off about that.
Also, in regards to His Holy Teleprompter, I don't know why these people actually expected him to answer their questions: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/01/22/obama-suprises-white-house-press-corps-visit-briefing-room/
Give him a break, reporters! Don't you know they haven't installed teleprompters in the White House hallways yet?
...speaking of Teleprompters, Michelle told the ladies on the view that Barry's been really kicking it up a notch at night now that he brings it to bed with him.
Ba dat bumm,... ok, bad joke.
@ADL - yes, I missed quite a few myself. But that's why I have my "crew"...you guys!
@JohnP - Keep the day job, but glad you commented! :-)
Kim Moore Jaetzold at 9:12pm May 6
This is great Kevin. Your writing can bring humor to a humorless situation. Keep up the good work
Rosemary Bolton at 4:39pm May 6
laughing and crying.
Love the wit.
Thanks Larry!
@Larry - If I'm the idiot, then why are you here? Hmmm...
As serious as this is, I just can't help but laugh at the things on this sight! We just have to keep looking up,cus when it crashes, it's going to be loud! I see through this guy and he really thinks he is all that and a bag of Fritos!Why is it that we can see it but others don't? It's soooo clear. Were you this funny growing up and while you were in school? Their has to not be a dull day in your house! Keep up the good work Kevin.
Great post and humor is what will see me through the next 3 + years. I doubt I could handle more and don't think our country could survive more if it survives this. Keep it up good humor man.
I wonder when Obama's going to cut the military enough for me to realize my dream of buying a surplussed Los Angeles Class sub for a few hundred dollars and converting it over to look like a giant penguin...
If anyone wants to invent a dehydration ray, sky-writing ballistic missiles, or explosive sharks, they're welcome to come along. We'll just have to watch out for that meddling do-gooder Barackman...
@Mzsandy2u - Gotta make it fun!
@Julie - Thanks Julie. Obama is my muse!
@Ranba - Too funny! I hope you get your sub. We may be competing with Russia soon, selling F22 Raptors for the price of Chryslers!
Wonder if old Larry is even capable of intelligent discourse. Do you suppose he thinks that was it?
But I digress.
President BO has a Portuguese water board? I thought he was against that kind of thing.
Oh...DOG...you said DOG!
@Joe - Clever, Joe!
I did not know that BHO was in the habit of reading your blog :). I wonder why he chose the name Larry and projected his own level of IQ :)
It is great stuff and the humour is fantastic.
We have a leader over here who deserves the same type of hectoring. His name is Kevin Rudd, also known as Kevin Krudd ROFL. His reputation is "the Manchurian Candidate" and yes the press fawned all over him too.
Keep up the good work.
@Maggie - Will do. I'd love to roast Rudd (Krudd!) for you!
Kevin-truer words have never before been spoken
I believe that this administration and it's willing accomplices in the congress are very affraid of the tidal wave that will be coming next year.This is why the rush to push all of their left wing agendas.
We also see why the lame stream media is also complicit in covering up his-Odimwit's gaffs and folies.They KNOW calling him on this would shed light on what a total maroon this guy is.
I live near Detroit and see some who voted for this Schiester having buyers remorse.I tell them it is to late now,however,I do tell them in next years election they should pay more attention to the issues at hand and less to American Idol....Thank you for entertaing my post,God bless and keep up the good work.
@William - I will do my best, and thanks for the visit to my blog!
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