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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Government Motors - New Genericus Models

If you want to know the future of the American auto industry, now that it has been commandeered by ObamaNation, then watch this 1:32s video.

I hope you guy enjoy this one, as much as I did having The Black Sphere team produce it. If you do like it, please pass it on.


Anonymous said...

I feel dirty laughing at this.

And I feel dumb for feeling dirty.

The Frank part may have been a bit too personal (we're better than those libs), but the Biden part was so funny I couldn't retain my self-righteous holier-than-thou-ism.

nerdygirl said...

Another hilarious blacksphere video!

I wonder if Obamie's black shirts will close all of the the Republican owned GM dealers too.

The Black Sphere said...

@Oppo - Hey remember this is a satirical site! Have fun with that!

The Black Sphere said...

@nerbygirl - He has his hit squad after us!

Chris from Racine said...

That is too funny...I'll have to share that one!!

The Black Sphere said...

@Chris - Thanks much! That's what you're supposed to do! :-)

The Black Sphere said...

George Hummel at 5:45pm May 28

Hey that was great!

Chris from Racine said...

@The Black Sphere Posted! ;)

Euripides said...

Funny stuff. Thanks. I've put a link to your blog and video over on my blog.

Lilly said...

Kevin! That's too funny!!! Great job!

Jeff said...

That was a great video.

former bond trader said...

The Pelosia...
With an engine that sounds just a little different each time you start the engine using our unique
WAFFLESTROKE tm technology.

The Black Sphere said...

@commoncents - I will check your blog, and my team decides on cross post. Good luck, and thanks for the support.

The Black Sphere said...

@Euripides - Thanks for the "shout out" on your site!

The Black Sphere said...

@Lilly - I thought you'd like that Lil!

The Black Sphere said...

@former - There is a LOT you can do with a Genericus Pelosius

Jake K said...

One great benefit to the Pelosi model is that you could smash up the front end a couple of times and nobody would know the difference.

If you did crash it, would you go to Maaco or a really bad plastic surgeon?

Jake K

The Black Sphere said...

@Jake - That was funny!

Jake K said...

Anytime Mr. Sphere!!!

Keep the full-court presure on them Sir! We are all behind you.

Jake K

Anonymous said...

Busting Up Out Load (BUOL)

Subvet said...

Bravo. Stolen from your site with all due credit given.

Maggie said...

considering the theft of dealerships, that is just too funny

Joe said...

Uhhh...your point is that we "good citizen" green Americans might not want such a fine specimen of an automobile in every garage?

(Will we still be allowed to have garages?)

The Black Sphere said...

@Subvet - Have fun with it!

The Black Sphere said...

@Joe - Now Joe, you know, if everybody doesn't have a garage, you can't either! For shame...

Anonymous said...

olbroad. Today, 6:17 pm (4 hours ago)

Holy crap! I almost wet m’britches!

The Black Sphere said...

@Larry - Yeah, I think this one is pretty funny, if I do say so myself!

Adrienne said...

Kevin - I've been reading you for awhile and have been very impressed.

Even though my blogger buddy Subvet "stole" it first, I just had to post the video also.

Thank you so much for a bright bit of laughter and allowing us to share...

Sam said...

That was great.

The Black Sphere said...

@Adrienne - Glad you found me, and like I said to Subvet, feel free to repost...with credit!

The Black Sphere said...

@Sam - Thanks!

Julie said...

Another great video and a good laugh for the morning. I posted it on my site with a link back. Seriously, even my old car is starting to look better.

The Black Sphere said...

@Lady Julie - That old car is starting to look pretty good, huh?!

Anonymous said...

I predict record sales for Ford Motors.

erp said...

We were just saying yesterday that our classic 1998 Chrysler Concorde in great condition may become a legacy to our children that is if the diktat in Washington don't confiscate it for themselves.

The Black Sphere said...

@Shamballa - I agree!

The Black Sphere said...

@erp - All our American vehicles may classics soon!

Anonymous said...

I plan on driving my Ford Explorer until the wheels fall off. She's already got 250K miles under her belt and is still going strong. Her carbon footprint is enormous now. The friction created by the fat tires alone raises the temp here in Indiana by .05 degrees. In short, she makes me very proud! :)

Love your blog Kevin. Keep up the good work!

The Black Sphere said...

@shamballa - Al Gore hates you...and that's a good thing!

Unknown said...

Kevin, Love your stuff - keep it up. I've been lurking around your blog for about a month now.

I thinks this clip from utube is rather fitting

Anonymous said...

Got a solution for both our environment and for our healthcare issues...The government should remove all engines from the cars and make us push them! A savings of oil, co2 emissions and...we all get great aerobic exercise!

'I own a 'Rolls Canardly'...' It rolls down one hill, can hardly get up the next..."
(I spent waaay too much time in front of TV as a kid...)

The Black Sphere said...

Da Sicilian - I spent time in front of the TV as well, but only had two channels!

Anonymous said...

Then either your TV was broken...or I look a heck of a lot worse then I should for my age!

Anonymous said...

the answer to the second part....probably...:>)

Anonymous said...

@Kevin - 2 channels? You never told us you lived overseas. ;)

Unknown said...

Hilarious! Forgot to paint it white though, you know, to reflect the heat back into space.

Anonymous said...

That is trip... I laughed. great political satire. Scary part is it's probably not far from the truth. With government intervention, true innovation will be history. Sad.. end of an era!

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

This video was hilarious! Though next year it just might come true.

The Black Sphere said...

@Lois & Joe - Glad to make you laugh!