"I don't think our government should set caps on compensation," Geithner said Monday during an interview at an invitation-only luncheon hosted by Newsweek."
People in the Obama administration are used to having things just a bit too easy—they know nothing about risk/reward. Obama has said it numerous times—"I got lucky." Obama didn't get lucky, however. He was ruthless in his dealing with adversaries. As black folks say about "Slicksters"—"Don't let the smooth taste fool you!"
By now you certainly know that Obama will have a scapegoat, and it will be some white Republican man. In the case of the financial industry woes, the scapegoat is "Greed." "Wall Street."
When you hear those terms tossed around so flippantly, you may have a tendency to forget that they are just "words." Nebulous terms meant to conjure up images on of one thing: Rich white Republican men, hell bent on the destruction of the poor. What you won't do however is consider the origin of the fiasco. That's how racist, elitist meddling liberal Democrats want you to think--like "drunk uncles."
I don't blame "Wall Street" for taking advantage of the legislation initiated by fools like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, legislation then forced on the financial industry by threat of lawsuit by Obama himself (and ACORN). And when the warning bells were sounded by Republicans in the House, they went ignored by Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi…Dodd!
The Democrats would have you forget that in their zeal to "socially engineer" America (particularly black people), they disrupted the free market system—they created this mess. Carter, "the meddlist" decided that in America— everybody should own a house. No Peanut, everybody should have the opportunity to own a house in America.
I think people should have to work hard to get that house. I was raised by people who had this crazy idea: If you work hard for something, you will try harder to keep it. So if you make a $15,000 down payment on a home, you are less likely to walk away. Compare this with the Democrat approach, where you make the down payment of $15,000—with other people's money.
Those lucky philanthropists used to known only by terms such as "greed" and "Wall Street." We are now known as taxpayers, extremists—oh, and suckers!
We are back where we started—Poor black people getting kicked out of their houses—Democrats having tossed their cigarettes out the car window as they drove by; glancing occasionally in their rearview mirrors at the smoking house. By now some Republican has pulled over to help the "stranded homeowner," only to get blamed for what is now a full-fledged fire!
So we capitalists get the memo that—for now–it's ok to make money. There is a caveat: We are being watched. ObamaNation needs to monitor us; reign us in.
"Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Monday that government should place "broad constraints" on the incentives that huge pay packages create for executives to take short-term risks."
Here's the wrap:
How many companies innovate by "playing it safe?" If you are like me you have heard many motivational speakers say to me, "Don't push the envelope. Stick with the status quo. The moon? Don't be an idiot! You can never go there!"
ObamaNation wants to make "capitalism" a dirty word. Socialism is being sold as capitalism. And socialists are humanitarians; capitalists should be watched. Capitalists are dangerous, greedy people, who have this crazy goal of, well…Capitalism—living their lives without the need of the government assistance or intervention. How dare you self-actualized sons of fatherless swine!
For now, Massa Obama has decreed that there will be no cap on capitalists' income. It is written, yea verily it shall be done! However, as with all things in The War on Achievement – Era of Brown Underwear, you must consider how the other shoe will fall? No real secret here.
Obama will just take your uncapped income from you the old-fashioned Democrat way—one tax at a tiiiimmmme.
That's my rant!
© 2009 Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere All Rights Reserved.

Preaching the truth yet again, my brother! Continue to be loud and unfiltered - we need you!
@Right - Thanks Ron! Glad to get a comment from the "next Senator from Maryland!"
Driver Anderson at 9:02am May 21
The Indiana treasurer is taking the Obama Government to court because State Troopers and schoolt teachers pension funds were greedy Chrysler investors. Stealing from one Union and giving the money to another! Does it get any better than that!
@Driver - You won't get any sympathy from me on union pensions stealing from each other! LMBO!
It's an old play in to the left.
Don't like Christianity but can't eliminate it? Redefine it in terms of liberation theology.The people reject socialism? Redefine capitalism.
By changing definitions they can easily change the law and easily appear to change reality.
@Shoprat - You are an astute observer, my friend!
Tax Cheat Geithner says there should be no cap on compensation, eh? Then why all the pressure to give back the bonuses (that the idiot Dodd included in the Swindle-us bill)? Do bonuses not count as "compensation?"
IMHO, greed is a moral failing, and should not be rewarded or glorified. However, when an entity or establishment (corporate or governmental) provides the wherewithal (the temptation and the avenue) for greed to manifest itself, and neglects to implement even the basic checks and balances, they lose all credibility when they decry it after the fact.
I'm just sayin'..!
@Tominator - Great comment. I disagree on the "greed" comment. When I ran track, I had "greed" for speed. Tiger Woods has greed for "wins." Many "greedy" people take their 'winnings,' and donate to charities, help family, and so on. At the end of the day, it's about character. Rules are made, and people work the rules. The government is to blame for passing stupid rules!
Laurencia Lomomle DuSantos at 9:36am May 21
@Driver - I want to see how that plays out!
Another great post and as usual your comments are as good to read as the posting.
Kevin - You are correct here, the fight that the country is witnessing is not conservatism vs liberalism, it is actually freedom and capitalism vs statism and socialism. Capitalims after all in it's most basic sense is economic democracy. Pols that are drived to limit an individual's economic democratic rights are as Mark Levin calls them - Statists. Simple as that....Follow my blog Kevin, also do you have a radio show?
Fair enough - perhaps I didn't delineate what, precisely, I meant by "greed" as a moral failing. I needed to leave some space for your other commentors..! :-)
Greed, as a moral failing, can be defined (at least in my mind) as the lust for gain (material, financial, social, political, etc.) solely for one's own benefit, without consideration for any other entity or respect for any established guidelines for said acquisitions. In this context, I can't see "greedy" people donating to charities or helping out their families - their greed dictates that they keep it all to themselves.
You said that when you ran track, you had a "greed for speed," and that TW has a "greed for wins." Again, a fair comment. I see that more as competitiveness than greed. I play hockey (I'm a goalie). I am extremely competitive, as are, I speculate, most people who engage in an athletic endeavor. I have amassed an impressive amount of wins (hence my nickname). In this case, though, I don't equate competitiveness with greed. I will do anything to win, within the rules of the game. I won't circumvent, redefine or subjectively interpret the rules just to emerge victorious.
You are right to say that rules are made, and people work the rules. But I see a difference between "working the rules" and "gaming the system." None of this is to imply that you do not. :-)
We are in accord that "it's about character." On that score, rest assured that I admire yours. I also agree that people and organizations should play by the rules. However, I'm of the belief that the rules should be clearly established at the outset, so exploitation of them is kept to an absolute minimum. I believe that this dovetails with we conservatives' fervent desire that our country's Constitution be adhered to much more than it has been in recent memory.
I hope I haven't muddied the waters further with this. My self-editing protocols sometimes abandon me when I need them most..! ;-)
And while Obama is preching the principles of the country to support his national security plan, he is attacking the principles of the country in his economic plan. So are the principles on which the country were founded now only those principles that Obama supports? Is he re-writing not only our history but the values of that history?
@LadyJulie - Thanks for the compliments, and it is people like you who make the comments interesting!
@Left Coast Rebel - Shoot me an email [theblacksphere@gmail.com] to your blog, and it may make the new site (soon...and very cool!).
Radio show is Wed at 6P Central on www.RFCradio.com, and Thurs from 9P-11 Central, at http://blogtalkradio.com/TheBlackSphere
@Tommi - Nothing to add to this statement! Agree wholeheartedly!
Aaron James at 11:56am May 21
A year and a half ago the idea of a president firing GM's CEO, or telling banks who can receive incentive pay, or where those companies can take vactions (not Vegas) or what they can purchase (not corporate planes) or rewriting bankruptcy laws putting secured creditors behind employees on the food chain, would have been dismissed as crazy talk. But here we are in crazy town less than two years later.
@Aaron - So true! Such is ObamaNation and ObamaNomics!
Merry Miller at 12:22pm May 21
Yep! It's insane and what's really sad is that biz owners (and employees) are in it for the long haul while politicians have short term goals to get reelected!
@Merry - So true! It's all about re-election, and making it easier all the time to get re-elected!
Great discussion here!
Tommi Jefferson said - "Is he re-writing not only our history but the values of that history?"This is exactly it, he wants America to disavow itself of Republicanism and checks and balances based on individual sovereignty. The Obamanation's goals of redistribution are not compatible with the Constitution, therefore the country must be changed. Think of it like this. Imagine you, in your life and how much you cherish your freedoms and the ability to pursue your own version of happiness, fulfillment and contentment. The things that make you get up early each morning. Now imagine these beliefs and feeling in reverse - a belief in an Almighty State that 'rights' everything that has been wrong in the US. This is what people that cherish freedom are up against.
Kevin - btw I sent you an email, hope to hear from you....
Brilliant, Kevin! It never dawned on me that it was not a respect for Capitalism that would inspire Obama to backtrack on his pledge to cap executive compensation. Geeeez...He wants those rich folks' tax money! He can slurp it right into the gubment sponge without a big fight with large insdustry. Ahhh, now that is what I call an innovative Socilaist!
@Donna - Yes, indeed. You get it!
Mike Kennedy at 1:17pm May 21
Hittin' hard Kevin, I like it! Let's talk soon
Lisa Harper at 1:28pm May 21
Robin Hood's hard at work......He's on a roll. Someone has got to stop him.
Obama's brand of capitalism is no good. "The conservative opposes crony capitalism where the Statist uses the power of government to subsidize one favored enterprise at the expense of another."
What gets me about Obama is how he thinks he knows everything about how business is run. He was a community organizer and have found no evidence he was even good at that.
Obama is great at delivering speeches, I will give him that, but everything else seems to be pretty much garbage.
Oh how the Koolaiders love to hear him speak. The liberals in my office are on cloud nine right now. It would be funny if it were not so pathetic.
The subject of greed is interesting and I think Kevin it is worthy of a blog post on its own.,
Obummer has been redefining the meaning of greed by claiming that bonuses are somehow due to the greediness of the individual. Those bonuses form part of the compensation package. They are earned by the people who receive them. My husband, when in his managerial role (the one taken away from him) earned an annual bonus based upon performance. It was an incentive to get those contracts (in the defense industry).
Most people do not understand the bonus process. In the case of AIG those executives earned their bonuses because they were not accepting compensation for the work that they were completing in an effort to clean up the mess.
Greed on the other hand can be defined when people do things to others that causes harm to the other person - e.g. when the wealthy landowner or speculator comes to town and he goes after the property of the widow. He uses sneaky ways of taking the property that he desires. That desire to get the property is rightfully termed greed.
A better example relates to the speculator who knows about the plan to build a new shopping mall. So he goes in to buy up all the land and businesses where the mall is to be built so that he can benefit.
There are other more pertinent examples where the industrialist pays a pittance to the workforce so that he becomes enriched. However the flip side to that is the union that keeps demanding pay increases even if it means members of the workforce lose their jobs. The union bosses do not lose out, they have cushy jobs.
There are many examples of real greed. :) but the best example ever of greed is that of the "thirty pieces of silver"
@RK - So true. ObamaNation practices capitalism...just not for the masses!
@Maggie - I may cover the 7 deadly sins on Obama soon!
I'm a dangerous, greedy person...so is my woman, and all of our friends. Usually, when I scrape something off the bottom of my shoe I know I stepped in it...now, I'm not so sure.
It's getting deeper.
@Sam - LOL. Not sure what to say about that!
@ Maggie: You said it so much better than I did, and included things I meant to say but left out. Thank you..! :-)
@Tominator, thanks
I might just do my own blog post on the subject, but make it a little wider than about Obummer. I am only just warming up on the subject :)
In fact one of the best exponents on the subject is the late Archbishop Fulton Sheen. I read two of his books that covered the subject. He gave me a very clear understanding of the subject, especially as it pertains to the liberals and those who want to redistribute other people's wealth - another name for greed and envy.
@Maggie & Terminator - Another name for social engineering and meddling for their own elitist causes!
Hi Kevin,
I just found your blog a few days ago. You speak the truth & do so brilliantly. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your entries thus far.
Keep up the great work!
@Floradora - Thank you for finding me, and commenting. We LOVE those who participate, even if just to say hello!
I appreciate you going back and reading what I deem "Day Old Bread", as blogging is tough! I HATE it when a blog has to go down, because it loses much of its audiences. An old blog is like an old pair of shoes!
Be sure to check out our videos too at www.youtube.com/theblacksphere01
I guess BO finally figured out our income tax code. The more a person makes, the more the government gains, by percentage, in taxes. If you cap the compensation, you cap the tax you can gain. I wonder since many democrat congress memebers make money the same way there was a backlash by his own party and thus the retraction. There's no way this man would back away from a socialist ideal unless it's hurting him within his own ranks.
I finally found your videos, the links would not work, had to do some searching. Are they hiding you on that lib site?
I did not realize MLK was a republican! I knew it was the northern republicans who voted for civil rights, but I did not know MLK was, but it does make sense. He was a true preacher of faith, not a hate monger like the "church" the OBamas attended. MLK loved his people. BHO loves BHO.
Also, when BHO blasts wall street, I wonder how he can keep a straight face. It was the libs on Wall Street that voted for him! It was their money he banked on. I checked out the richest people in America and only 2 of the top 10 were republicans. As you go down the list, and see all the mega celebrities, they too are dems. How is the world did this nonsense get started that the GOP is the party of the rich, and how did blacks get sold on the idea that the dems gave them their civil rights?
The GOP has a major PR problem.
Speak louder Kevin!!!!!
@madmath1 - Nobody can figure out that code. But even a liberal knows the more you make the more they take!
@MEG - You are a researcher. I may need to have you do some for me!
My bad. I should had said he got the basics of the tax code. I think the NSA tried breaking the tax codes, but their computers ended up malfunctioning and started to call itself Skynet.
Meg, your research proved what I've always asserted for years: Logic and government rarely, if ever, coexists.
Actually, Kevin, I just tend to research, other people's research.LOL I am a voracious reader more than anything. And I need to get a life!
Kevin-I would find this "Rant" of yours halarious were it not so scary on its seriousness.I remember back in the 90's Slick Willie capped exec pay.however companies found way's around it by offering exec's bonus' and stock incentives etc.This was done with a dual purpose,the first being that of attracting the best bodies for the job,the second was retention of said quality employees.They-the employees were paid based on meeting certain bench marks,there by getting the employees best work.Should Odumbo decide to renege on this deal(and he will)there will be NO reason for new college grads to go and work for either Wall street or big business,but then that is what he wants.
@William - That's why I deem this the Era of Brown Underwear!
On a similar subject and I think you should cover it - the White House has been overseeing the closing of Chrysler car dealerships. The interesting facts that are emerging happens to be that the dealerships that are being forced to close are in states and locations where Obummer did not win the vote. The majority of the dealerships involved are Republican supporters. In one case the car dealer is a Republican in the House of Representatives. He heard it from a House colleague that he was being hit.
At least 5 of the dealerships were in the top category for sales and service.
Only one Democrat dealership has been affected....
This is a story that needs to be exposed.
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