Since the announcement of Souter's retirement, there hasn't been a lot of time to vet potential Supreme Court candidates, particularly when you consider that these are lifetime appointments. Frankly I'm amazed that Obama found the time to vet anybody given his busy schedule.
When Obama is not saving the world (with American taxpayer money) he busies himself with those $100 per pound beef dinners. Then there is picking his brackets for the Final Four, and hanging with the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Next we were privy to the White House Press video of "O" shooting hoops with the UConn women's basketball team. Can't pass up shooting hoops, stereotypical though it may appear. And finally who could forget all those commencement addresses?
With all those pressing issues, I can see how Obama has decided not to address issues like Israel potentially attacking Iran's nuclear facilities or North Korea's recent nuclear test. Thankfully Obama has put these issues on the backburner. Lord knows, we need to fast-track Sotomayor. It's a crisis!
Anyway when it comes to Obama's appointments, we've gotten use to the idea of "do-overs." Anybody willing to bet that Sotomayor doesn't blow up in Obama's face? Vegas set the odds on what could potentially upend her appointment as follows:
- Unpaid taxes (3-2)
- Husband getting kickbacks (4-1)
- Stupid Liberal Ideas (1-100)
Obama is shrewd. By appointing a Puerto Rican woman, he gets a "two-fer". In this way he placates both Hispanics and women's groups. Really?
Puerto Ricans are a proud bunch, so Obama will no doubt garner the vote of the "51st state." It is likely that Obama feels that having a Puerto Rican will get him the Hispanic vote in general. There are bitter rivalries amongst the Hispanics, however so the jury is still out there on this. I say the Mexicans will not be happy, given that they outnumber Puerto Ricans by a large margin.
As Cleavon Little said in Blazing Saddles, "Where da white women at?" Let's just call the women's groups what they are: "The White Racist Liberal Democrat Women's—with Lots of Lesbians Too—Club." Like this group really cares about the causes of Hispanics or women of color. This is a powerful group of white women, like Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, all NOW generation women, and disciples of Gloria Steinem. Conspicuous by their absence…women of color!
"The White Racist Liberal Democrat Women's—with Lots of Lesbians Too—Club" will publicly applaud Obama's choice—as if it were ordained by God Himself. However behind the scenes on the Washington Cocktail Party circuit, they will deride Obama for not having picked a white woman. With all the elitist snobbery of this group of racist white Democrat snobs, they will ask, "Why not Hillary?" or some other liberal white woman who rode the back of a man to get to her position of power. There are plenty of examples of those women who "made it".
Here's the wrap:
Must blacks rely on old white Republican men to appoint more blacks on the Supreme Court? If you can't count on a black president to do the right "thang", who can you count on? With more pandering left to do by Obama—I say "Don't sweat this, kinfolk."
This appointment is subterfuge by Obama, par excellent. It is meant to save us from witnessing Obama's harsh, and very public torture of North Korea…with his tough words. Obama needs time to deliberate on exactly what words to pull out of his arsenal to use on North Korea. I shudder to think! I'm just glad the very real Supreme Court appointment crisis is here to keep Obama focused and not sidetracked about the perceived crisis of the potential for nuclear holocaust.
Like blacks have been for decades, Hispanics are being played with this token appointment. Simply put, Sotomayor is a sacrificial goat. She has more skeletons than the National Archeological Museum of Athens, some of which are not even in the closet—they're on video! And because she is not white, I expect the mainstream media to actually do its job and give her a good Hispanic beatdown, subtle though it may be.
If I were a betting man, I'd take the long odds of Sotomayor not making it. And when this story is page 18 of the D section of the paper, Sotomayor's withdrawal from consideration will replace the next real crisis.
That's my rant!
© 2009 Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere All Rights Reserved

You forgot one: 4 to 1 she's really Susan Boyle.
And the appointment announcement was all about her individual story and little about her decisions. I respect the hard work hat got her where she is, but that doesn't mean I want her in the Supreme Court. What I wanna know is what the New Haven Firemen think about presenting their case to the same person who summarily rejected it in the Court of Appeals and did so withou a reason. I'd like to see some interviews with them.
@Dr. Dave - Made me laugh!
Paul Hesse at 10:21am May 26
“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” Judge Sonia Sotomayor
@tommi - I agree on her hard work. However she is yet another liberal ready to stick it to "the man" with no regard for whom the man really is!
OK. I wasn't going to get personal on this, but then I saw Dr Dave's comment and thought oh why not. Here goes: Why is it that the Dems just can't produce an attractive woman? Do women become Dems because they're not attractive? Just wondering.
@class - I may blog on this topic soon! Great query!
Is the author suggesting that Judge Sotomayer will *not* make it?
Could this be some series of gimmicks to name Hillary after all?
Conservative women have honor, morals, and conscience. Democrat women are superficial and live the hard life "having fun" after all for them it's all about fun. Conservatives work hard, play mild and generally take care of themselves. Conservative women tend to stay natural because they are sure and confident in themselves. My 2cents!!
Oh, the unpaid taxes won't matter to this Senate. In fact, tax fraud appears to be an admirable character trait in their book.
Perhaps Vegas will take odds on whether or not the Citizen Grand Juries will make a difference and all of O's appointments will be null and void! One can only hope and pray!
Check out this video.
@1coolmom - I agree! Tax evasion is a badge of honor for Dems!
L. L. Brown IV at 11:03am May 26
High rate of reversal, big temper, has been asked by other judges to calm down during oral arguments, not the brightest liberal judge by far.
Lindi Barnes Conrad at 11:08am May 26
"As an appellate judge, she sided with the city of New Haven, Conn., in a discrimination case brought by white firefighters after the city threw out results of a promotion exam because too few minorities scored high enough. Ironically, that case is now before the Supreme Court" .. that's what she brings to the table (I posted the article earlier). What a joke ... but consider who picked her. :o)
Ken Cook at 11:16am May 26
Lets get all these "Firsts" out of the way so we can finally get past the "Historic Factor". Should it really matter if She is the first Hispanic or the fifth? How are we to get past Racism if we keep score?
Jonathon McGuire at 11:18am May 26
Amen, Ken. Didn't realize the ability or inability to pee standing up translated into the ability or inability to appropriately interpret the constitution.
Desmond C Lee at 12:17pm May 26
Here are two articles on Sotomayor by the New Republic, a left-leaning magazine.
See also a follow-up to this article on 5/8: http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=6168aeb7-9869-43eb-b401-2204a0d84478
Being a tax cheat/fraud isn't just a badge of honor with this current administration...
It's a JOB REQUIREMENT. It must be on one's resume, or no consideration is given.
And Kevin, in regards to your statement, "...Obama needs time to deliberate on exactly what words to pull out of his arsenal..." I laughed until I reread the sentence and found that you did not say "...pull out of his arse 'n' all..." Good stuff..!
Obama is woefully inept around issues of geography and demographics. I seriously doubt he knows the difference between a Puerto Rican Hispanic and a Mexican Hispanic nor Hispanics from the various other countries around the world.
I wonder if he knows that Brazil is not an Hispanic country.
I loved this quote:
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama wants a Supreme Court nominee who is not only schooled in the law but passionate about how it affects people's lives, a scholar willing to decide a case from the heart when the constitutional answer is elusive.In many ways, he is in pursuit of someone like himself." “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” said Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.Kumbaya Y'all
Here is a view of what you speak.
Love your blog, Kevin. Keep up the good work!
It's a shame, but not surprising that O continues to play identity politics in his nomination for the SC. The fact that some liberals (cf. The New Republic article) think Sotomayer is not intellectual enough to match the conservatives on the bench tells me too things. 1. She will get confirmed with little complaint from Republicans and 2. That is a backhanded compliment to the conservative justices from the left. Interesting...
What ever happened to the best and most qualified person for the job? (big sigh). As a woman it offends me when presidents say they want a woman for the job. I would find it far less offensive to say they want the best person for the job and have that be a woman. By having a list only including women it makes it appear that if they compared them against men the women would lose. Hardly reassuring.
@theterminator - The arse comment was priceless! Wish I had thought of it!
Kevin, fantastic rant!
You are a pleasurably entertaining and astute Conservative voice which if heard on Talk Radio would ironically be criminalized by the likes of Sotomayor and her ilk.
I guess Conservative Bloggers are not abused by MSM like Conservative Talk Radio hosts since blogs do not provide 'sound bites' for TV Land to use as Democrat Party propaganda against Conservatives.
Thant said; I am sooo haaappppyy Al Gore invented this internet-thingy otherwise I might have become a meanie Greenie.
@Andrea - Thanks for the compliment. And I agree that the Left would never compliment the conservative justices. But I have predicted they will fillet Sotomayor!
@Tommi - I would like the best candidate, but pandering is the word of the decade!
What about the fact that she said the ownership of guns is unconstitutional? http://jumpinginpools.blogspot.com/2009/05/sotomayor-gun-ownership.html
This nomination would make perfect sense for BO. She's a racist, makes decisions from "the heart" not the mind, will be the smartest "Person" in the room of the supreme court with the most idiotic statements coming from her mouth and writings, all for affirmative action such that minorities gets the job or promotion or nobody does even if the minorties fail the exam, and it plays in the dems divide and conquer using people's racism. This could backfire badly because being Puerto Rican, they don't like other hispanics and vice versa. Hispanics can be a fickle group as I learned when I was teaching. They fight among themselves just on how well they speak English (no, not spanish). This will just enrage them more. This is typical of BO. Shows his true color at the same time showing how he doesn't have a clue on what he's doing. Seems we're in the long term of a policy of using what's intended as racism against white to provide the "hope" and "change" that he's promised, I fear he'll set up more and more people and policies that will have everyone chewing up each other (except conservatives that can see through this nonsense).
@Anon - Let's just find where the RINOs are hiding in the Republican Party, as there is NO way this woman should be appointed to SCOTUS!
@madmath1 - Great points my man! She is about as unqualified as they come, which is why nobody should be surprised Obama nominated her. But we aren't talking about nuclear missiles are we?!
@Blacksphere Kevin - Hats off to you and your obviously brilliant mind... no sooner than BO's appointment was announced did you have this long yet succinct rant posted for us to chew on. Off we go on another battle of wits. I love this site!
@Laurie - Honestly I am usually a bit more deliberate, but this one almost wrote itself. I'm glad you are a fan, and please bring others, even if you have to kidnap them. And visit our youtube site, as we need the views. www.youtube.com/theblacksphere01
Looks like even for a lib he could have found a much better choice. I suspect that this is all for appearances sake.
Anon @ 2:51...the fact that she thinks ownership of guns is unconstitutional is astonishing. Not merely that she is not in favor of gun ownership, but that she finds it unconstitutional. A 10 year old could read the 2nd Amendment and determine its very clear meaning. What a dope (although I didn't read your link yet..just presumption on my part at this point). Sotomayor is no surprise. BO is going to pick someone who fits the identity politics that is such a driving force of the entire liberal way of life. It truly is funny that they label themselves the party that wants "equality" for all, yet love to divide and pit groups against one another, all for political gain and nothing more. I hope you're right, Kevin. But I believe Barry will get what he wants, because who is really going to ask the tough questions? The media? The RNC? {rolls eyes} We have to face the fact that he's going to appoint someone who 1) fits the proper minority status, above all other things and 2) is willing to FEEL the Constitution as they think it SHOULD mean...not what its actual intent clearly states.
/jumping off my soap box :)
GREAT commentary again, Kevin!
"And when this story is page 18 of the D section of the paper..." You mean to tell me that there are still newspapers printing news!
He should have nominated this guy....Perez Hilton. He was a judge once you know and that would make him qualified under Obama standards. With Perez he will get a three-fer covering women, gays and Hispanics!
Sir RonB
Again, the left puts their bitter, bitchy, broads in positions of power, without questioning their integrity. Meanwhile, bright, beautiful conservatives women are blasted and berated. As a charter, bra-burning member of NOW, I quickly learned that if you were pretty, you would never be taken seriously with this group. They only represent women whom men would never date, and only marry for money. So I burned my NOW card. But I am not sorry I burned my bra!
Sarah Palin, please rescue us! Show them that beautiful women can do it better. That is change we could really Believe in.
And Kevin, I sometimes have a hard time getting into your site. It will not load. Same with your videos on youtube. Are you sure they aren't out to censor you?
@shoprat - I totally agree. Does this guy want to prove that he can't pick anybody qualified?
@Floradora - I agree, she wants to throw out The Constitution!
@SirRonB - Good Sir, you CRACKED me up!
@MEG - Can't explain the site, but glad you figure out a way through the liberal gauntlet!
Obama stated during his election speeches that he wanted to throw out the Constitution. That has always been his aim. He needs a really bad judge to carry out his wishes.
Now something offtopic for you
@Maggie - Good point on Obama's stated mission.
As for the link...HYSTERICAL! This is what we are trying to do with our magazine www.openzine.com/theblacksphere
@Tommi - Thank you for explaining exactly what is wrong with Affirmative Action. How can someone be proud of their achievement if it was given, not earned?
Either she is an intentional "sacrificial lamb" or they are most clueless people on the planet. We are already seeing holes in this woman and we ain't even started digging yet! As for her being a Hispanic pick, people must not understand anything about the differences between Latinos. A while back, I dated a Mexican lady, Roberta, whose parents were from Zacatecas. Let's just say they were not supportive or kind about anyone from Puerto Rico. Hispanics are not a monolithic block. Each group is looking out for themselves. I was laughing when I read the comment about white males. She was just arrogant and egotistical(Like our messiah, BO)to not understand the ramifications of that statement. I want to see the liberal press spin that one. I've got my Coke and popcorn and getting ready to enjoy the show.
I came here from a google search actually looking for some odds, instead I found this bizarre anti-women's group rant and a ton of weird pictures blaming Obama for everything wrong in the world.
Jeez, reign in the crazy around here. I mean, is this REALLY called for? " Let's just call the women's groups what they are: "The White Racist Liberal Democrat Women's—with Lots of Lesbians Too—Club."" What kind of upbringing leads people to say things like that?
Yawn> hey remember that time when Bush Nominated a friend with no experience? Haha Hariet Myers was a good laugh>
@JoeG - Harriet Myers was a jewel in comparison this the knucklehead Sotomayor...and Obama!
Good point on timing, but I think he timed it to coincide with the California Supreme Court decision, keeping that setback religated to at least below the fold.
I love reading your essays/blogs. They make me smile and help to override the uneasiness I've felt since Obama's inauguration. These are scary times, but your humor and voice help - thanks!
All best wishes,
@Nancy - Thanks for "pimp slapping" that troll! You're awesome!
@Bill - Very true, as it did take that vote out of mainstream.
@Kelly - Glad to have you hear and I do my best to keep it fresh! Thanks for the support!
Hey "anonymous who came from a google search" : Wise UP.
This blog is the real deal and doesn't care about your stupid group.
The Black Sphere deals with REALITY, baby, so grow up listen.
Damn. I missed the libtard argument about Cheney because I was working. That was one good read.
Keep it up Kevin.
People are reading and listening, friend.
Thanks Nerby! And school the fools, because The Nutcracker is playing in here! :-) Let's talk soon!
I guess we needed to have the on duty troll make an appearance and to make rather stupid and inane remarks.
I am a woman and I thought the comment about the women in NOW was quite accurate. I was not a bra burner in those days, but.... due to problems associated with my neck and back the bra had to go....
@Maggie - Don't sweat the trolls. They are here for comic relief!
I do not think this is a gimmick at all. This is a very liberal appointment and the house and senate are going to change in 2010. Thus, considering the composition of the current house and senate, BO has the best chance of getting this nominee confirmed now, not later.
FTBS--"Must blacks rely on old white Republican men to appoint more blacks on the Supreme Court? If you can't count on a black president to do the right "thang", who can you count on? With more pandering left to do by Obama—I say "Don't sweat this, kinfolk."
This appointment is subterfuge by Obama, par excellent. It is meant to save us from witnessing Obama's harsh, and very public torture of North Korea…with his tough words. Obama needs time to deliberate on exactly what words to pull out of his arsenal to use on North Korea. I shudder to think! I'm just glad the very real Supreme Court appointment crisis is here to keep Obama focused and not sidetracked about the perceived crisis of the potential for nuclear holocaust.
Like blacks have been for decades, Hispanics are being played with this token appointment. Simply put, Sotomayor is a sacrificial goat. She has more skeletons than the National Archeological Museum of Athens, some of which are not even in the closet—they're on video! And because she is not white, I expect the mainstream media to actually do its job and give her a good Hispanic beatdown, subtle though it may be.
If I were a betting man, I'd take the long odds of Sotomayor not making it. And when this story is page 18 of the D section of the paper, Sotomayor's withdrawal from consideration will replace the next real crisis.
That's my rant!"
I ask you is the blacksphere on time or WHAT!
Judge Sotomayor, is that a pubic hair on your coke can?
Hey man - don't diss her - I'm getting in line for a suit to be the last white guy to play on the celtics or knicks or PHILLI OR .. She sure can't be inconsistent.. can she?
Sorry Brian but i bet you ain't Mayflower material ! U gotta go for the good ! LOL ( Scalabrine )
wouldn't it be cool if someone was actually picked on the basis of their character, ability and experience instead of their race, sex, and amount donated to a political party.
Shock! Big Dem Donor Group Allowed to Keep Their 6 Chrysler Dealerships Open ...Update: Their Local Competitors Eliminated!!
Hopefully because Dems are small time slimeballs - they'll get em on the obvious small stuff (as opposed to lying for the country's sake - ie Iran/contra etc)
@anon: the last 2 who were picked because of their high calibre were Alito and Roberts
Does anyone remember the last time a lib nominated a Supreme Court Justice? It was Clinton with Ginsburg and we thought SHE was bad. The sad fact is only 3 Republicans had the balls to oppose that nut job's confirmation. Given if that evil clown Frankan gets that senate seat, she'll roll right in and her nomination will be filibuster proof. So we get this racist, bitter, and narcassitic moron. What next? I wouldn't be surprised if Sharpton and Jackson are the next two nominees.
Kevin, you're moving on up. Keep on keeping on.
Pamela Liner at 11:28am May 27
She was not the first Hispanic there was Cordoza? Back in the Hamilton days I think..But hey she is the first with two YY Chromes I guess...;) Her policies on gun control are not good..SHE NEEDS TO GO!
My sense even before she was announced, was that BHO might use the Harriet Meiers tactic - ie 1st shot put up someone who has a bunch of baggage but not too obvious, then after that one is defeated, 2nd choice zips right thru (which is really his 1st choice) Hmmm
@Hersey - Two words for you..."Great minds!" :-)
Yo, Anonymous who came here from a google search...
You don't "reign-in" a person, their behavior, etc. You "reign" when you are a ruler (you know, like Obama, ignoring the rule of law and just ruling, right?)
You "rein-in" a horse - or an idiot who can't spell but who thinks we ought to listen to his opinions.
To be expected, however, from a liberal - the lack of education, that is.
InThisDimension - agree except for last sentence, primarily don't agree with SAYING it. Think it all you want - I just got off another venue where I said that it is primarily liberals who post nasty, snotty, vindictive etc etc posts !!
Maybe ok if your statement was clever and humorous! I don't mean to start a conflict - just a point, that you can agree or dis-agree.
@kevin - r u on twitter? A lot of activity there. Even had a few tweets responded to by @JakeTapper - but think he's getting overloaded now. ;=}
@InThisDimension - Way to school the trolls! LOVE it!
@Hersey - I am on Twitter. Don't know what you are referring to, but if I need to "pimp slap" liberals, just say the word.
@Hersey - I am on Twitter. Don't know what you are referring to, but if I need to "pimp slap" liberals, just say the word.
My post for tomorrow (5/28) puts the spotlight on each of the nine Justices with regard to their education and judicial service and compares them factually with Sotomayor.
She may be qualified, but NOT (as President BO has said) more qualified than any other SCOTUS Justice when he/she was placed on the court.
An appointment of convenience, for certain.
Duh !! IDK - maybe it was the link on theblacksphere.blogspot.com for twitter points to http://twitter.com/home and I failed to read ur post underneath that !! A liberal tendency - go off without know WTF they talk about ! Sorry ! ;=}
BTW I'm http://twitter.com/tegwek
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