As reported in Yahoo News,
"Under the new vehicle standards, U.S. passenger vehicles and light trucks must average 35.5 miles per gallon (6.62 litres/100km) by 2016. Obama said that would save 1.8 billion barrels of oil over the lifetime of the program -- the equivalent of taking 58 million cars off the road for a year."
Guess how the fuel standards have been met over the past decades? Lighter cars. Engines have increased in horsepower and performance; however the main reason for increased fuel efficiency has been reduced weight of the vehicle. What result can we expect—smaller cars?
Despite absolute no real evidence to support man-made global warming, Obama is mandating that cars be made more efficient. Allow me to connect the dots.
In order to sell cars in America all manufacturers will need to meet the standard. So Obama gives Government Motors a leg up on the competition with this new legislation, essentially guaranteeing at some point in the future that Americans will be forced to buy whatever crap Government Motors puts out. Socialist love to manipulate the rules, and they do so at the expense of competition. Aren't you nostalgic for the old days, when the average car were unsafe, had no innovation, yet cost you a year's salary—or more?
It doesn't matter to Obama that the auto industry has always adapted to the free market. During the Carter years (sorry to reminisce) of high inflation and the long gas lines, the auto industry responded with the smaller, less expensive cars. Frankly, that period was a Renaissance for the auto industry, as foreign competition gave us vehicles that were aesthetically pleasing, more powerful, yet more fuel efficient.
Fuel efficiency, safety, aesthetics or whatever the reason, the auto industry adjusted to the demands of the market.
Is making vehicles more fuel efficient a good thing, sure it is. The auto industry is already doing this, creating hybrids of all types. The only thing Obama is trying to do is to take credit for their work. Imagine that!
Again Yahoo News informs us, the fox will be guarding the hen house:
"The Environmental Protection Agency would regulate and reduce tailpipe emissions for the first time under the standards."
Yet another government agency with real power entering your life--possibly confiscating your vehicle or levying heavy fines for non-compliance?
Here's the wrap:
It is reported that the new standards will add about $600 to the price of manufacturing a vehicle…and that's cost—not retail. But what is really happening here is the UAW $600 raise. Hmm…
All the automakers have engineers and designers on the payroll. Their costs are fixed. So with the stroke of a pen and adding this new requirement, Obama has paid his unions dues—campaign promises, bribes kickbacks—with this $600 per model raise. And he has given the American consumer a new tax, and an increase of $2000 in the average retail cost of an automobile. All we wanted was a t-shirt!
Even the most stupid liberal knows that a company run like GM or Chrysler could not survive on its own. But you can, when you have ObamaNation feeding off its citizens. Do you think your counterpart in China will be paying this consumption tax? Russia? Iran? No unions to support in those countries.
Today Obama wants to tax part of air…CO2. All we can say about tomorrow is since the union liveth, the tax man cometh.
That's my rant!
© 2009 Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere All Rights Reserved

One molecule at a time, how profound and prophetic.
@BillE3 - I love it when people catch the subtleties!
Another arrow in the back of our free market system. The socialists are using taxation as punishment and behavior modification which is really ticking me off. We've gone from using taxes to support our infrastructure to using taxes as punishment for behavior the socialists deem "unacceptable". I wish they would look as kindly on breaking the tax laws as they do the immigration laws. Oh wait, the do, but only if you're on the cabinet.
The arrogance of this southbound end of a northbound horse is sickening, but not surprising. What American president has EVER had the authority to pull this kinda crap with private sector companies?
Your comment: "Even the most stupid liberal knows..." begs the question, "how would you find the village idiot in a village full of idiots?"
It's evident that this administration has been sucking too many tailpipe emissions. Impeach and remove them NOW!
@Tommi - Nice metaphor..."arrow in the back of our free market system."
I invite you all to come to my hometown Detroit and see for yourselves what the results of liberal, short-sighted, anti-business leadership looks like.
Keep in mind, this is what the whole country will look like as Obama moves to ruin every industry we've built this country on.
@Laurie - I don't have to travel that far, unfortunately. And trust me...ObamaNation is spreading like a virus, and is coming soon to towns all across America.
Can you find an administration that is more polar opposite of Reagan! Amazing!
Phil Hutsler at 10:27am May 20
This looks like the first step towards a National Public Transport system. They could create a whole new buracracy that could rival the Energy Dept. (remember the department that Jimmy Carter created to reduce our dependance on foreign oil and how well that worked?) Then the government will be able to control who goes where and make it sound like it's for our own good.
@Phil - I think you are onto something my friend!
We figured this triple-whammy (CAFE, Government Motors and Cap & Trade) was coming. So we headed down to the Ford dealer and traded in our two big vehicles with 120k each on them for two new big vehicles. Hopefully, we'll get similar mileage on them before they become illegal.
I get really sick of these urban metrosexuals legislating for the whole country. I live out in the middle of nowhere, and believe me, we need our trucks. Pollution is not a concern out here. I can't even get cable TV; public transit is not an option.
A deer ran into my husband's big truck, and caused $2000 worth of damage. I am in no way interested in a some little obamacart.
So those of us in fly-over country, which apparently includes most of Virginia, are really royally screwed. Or maybe not, I suppose we could always get horses.
@ElCee - We may indeed go back to horses and buggy whips! Oh but there is that CO2 problem!
Could this be the final nail in the auto industry's coffin.
Taxing air...sad but true.
I get it!!!
You had me at "Tax This"! Ha ha!
This is just the beginning. The assault on our fundamental rights is in its infancy.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Kevin, the cow photo is appropriate: 2006 the UN proposed Cow flatulence as being a major cause of global warming, and in Dec '08 NZ was proposing a cow flatulence tax on farmers http://bit.ly/Yy78c. Goverments will tax us to death
@shoprat - The auto industry as private has been dead for a while, so yes this is the proverbial nail.
Libs love the incremental approach to shoving socialism down America's throat. This is no suprise.
@Opus #6 - Glad to make you laugh, and what a cutie you have in your pic!
@RightKlik - I must say folks, do visit RightKlik's sight. Very cool, and informative! Thanks for the comment!
@Strasser - Glad you caught that as most likely didn't. The pic was indeed from the insane idea of taxing farmers for the methane gas emissions by their cows! If this doesn't prove the levels to which liberals will stoop to get your money, then nothing will!
ElCee--"I get really sick of these urban metrosexuals legislating for the whole country."
I am Urban and I agree with you. I still like auto racing. I was hoping to trade in my mommy-minivan soon, finally, and get something sexy. Ah, well.
Just wanted to compliment your spot on characterization: metrosexual. Metrosexuals could never appreciate the design artistry blended with brilliant engineering that automobiles represent to some of us.
Obama seems to be putting the safety of the drivers behind the man-made global warming hoax.
@Jim - I almost covered it from the safety angle, but the blog would have been too convoluted. Good catch!
Obama is going to sell GM to the US Government...temporarily.
Anyone who thinks he will ever relinquish control of GM back to private industry is delusional.
Government Motors, oh man you nailed it again. My bicycle is starting to look like the only thing I will be riding in the future of Obama world.
@Mark - GM is already Gov't Motors, my friend.
@Julie - Yes, invest in Schwinn!
I've always bought American. Favorite was my '97 Lincoln Mark VIII. Drove it to 240K miles until I hit a deer and ole Phyllis (the car) died. I still grieve her to this day. She was beautiful, sexy and mine. Try hitting a deer in a Smart(Stupid)Car. I'd be dead.
But I digress... when I start my car, I want to hear the Vr-r-rooom-m-m- of the engine.... not 'CLICK'.
If we invest in Schwinn, Obama will take that, too.
@Laurie - You had a "duece and a quarter." And yes in a "smart car," you'd be dead!
@Mark - You are likely correct!
As a former citizen of Czechoslovakia, we had great cars under the great socialists;
The Skoda: In Czech means "A wreck".
The Trabant: Pretty much build out of paper. But great gas mileage. Remember the U2 video.
The Zigul: That was the luxury line of the cars that the ordinary citizen could purchase. You can still see them in Afghanistan.
But for some strange reason, the commies drove foreign cars. I wonder why?
Kevin, I stumbled upon your blog yesterday and I have been reading everything you have written since then. I'm very impressed.
Legal immigrant, now proud US, conservative citizen.
@Anon - I would LOVE to have you on my radio show to recount life in the Czech Republic. Pls contact me on this. It would be fun, and I LOVE your story and the car types!
The Black Sphere;
I don't mind talking about my experiences. I am a type of person who stays in the background and likes to watch the finale. Since I was raised by my parents, I was told to shut up and don't get involed. Thats what you get from socialism. People in the US think socialism, or communism has one face. But in fact it has many faces. Example; Eastern Block, Russia, China, Vietnam and I can go on and on.
Anyway, if you want to talk, that's fine with me.
How should I contact you?
@Steven - email me at theblacksphere@gmail.com
The Black Sphere;
You should have my e-mail by now
Well, BlackSphere, you can finally dust off and drive that Gremlin with pride. :b
ElCee and Laurie, be careful who you tell the deer stories to or next thing you know, PETA will join the environmentalists in their demands to BO. Then the automakers will be designing cars that won't kill the deer who are hit by cars. Might kill the cars' passengers, but the way they'll tell it is that's what they get for irresponsibly trying to destroy food chain, starting one deer at a time.
@CoolAunt - I have a Pacer, Doll!
OMG! I'd totally forgotten the Pacer.
Thanks for reminding me. (Oh, no, not me. I'm not being sarcastic. I really appreciate being reminded of the Pacer.) ;)
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