With Fiat buying the best part of Chrysler and the government providing $6B for Chrysler to file bankruptcy, maybe they can make a comeback. Keep in mind fellow extremists and infidels: There is always more of our hard-earned taxes for "Chrysler Bailout – Round Fourteen."
I find it extraordinary that Obama can find the time to micro-manage a company that is supposed to be in bankruptcy. Perhaps Obama figures it's best to take over a company that has failed. If the company dies—"no blood, no foul." If it somehow makes it—then guess who's a "god?" Like I said earlier, when you control the purse strings, you can keep the patient on life-support indefinitely.
As for Chrysler, they must feel honored. If the CEO of Chrysler is like most CEOs, he has to feel good to be singled out for such prestigious help by the messiah. I guess it's like Obama said—[pp] "Chrysler is just too big to fail." Funny—I thought Chrysler did fail?
When you consider all the things that Obama could be doing, the only conclusion I can draw is that Obama has cloned himself. I can't believe that there just are enough hours in the day to run Chrysler...and the world.
I mean Obama has to have pressing agenda items like addressing the situation with the Koreans, who continue to expand their missile programs. Then there are those pesky al-Qaeda fighters threatening "Pockestan"? These two issues are only about rogue nations and/or terrorists getting their hands on nuclear weapons or fissionable materials. Yet, the messiah is taking time to help Chrysler. In the scheme of things, I'm sure that you all agree with me that the potential nuking of America pales in comparison to managing Chrysler's marketing budget. "What is ya…ignant?"
I must say, I see the reasoning behind the Obama move to cut the advertising budget of Chrysler. After all, they are been in the news now for weeks—at no cost! Free publicity all over the place.
Then there is the new legislation in Massachusetts whereby the poor can qualify to get free cars. You likely can get the word out on this program by "word of mouf." I suggest that this legislation is part of the Obama strategy—to provide the proverbial mule to black folks. Test case: Taxachussetts.
Obama is a one-man marketing machine. His takeover of Chrysler allows for a budget cut, as people will be drawn to the company--like moths to a…light that will shine down as a beacon. One good word from the messiah himself, and people will be buying Chryslers in droves. People may not know this but Obama drove a Chrysler 300—it was auctioned off shortly after his election for over $200K—complete with cigarette burns. Should Obama sit his royal butt in all the cars rolling off the production line, who knows what "His Lowness" would be able to raise for the company?
Here's the wrap:
I suggest other car companies take a serious look at their futures. Remember Obama is a lawyer, and he will be looking for ways to eliminate the competition—as he did in his other elections. So if Obama is running Chrysler, he may just decide to dry up funds to the rest of the auto industry. Given Obama's modus operandi, I would not be surprised to see a one-car America, and Chrysler will call that vehicle—the Genericus. Though Chrysler will offer only one model, it will be customizable, as described below:
- Genericus Pelosius – The front end is stretched so that it never loses that high-gloss sheen, no matter how old it gets
- Genericus Clintonius – Has additional headroom and stain-resistant seats
- Genericus Frankus – Equipped with additional trunk room...just in case
- Genericus Bidenus – Honda brought you the Mo-ped, and in honor of Joe Biden, Chrysler brings you the Stu-ped—nuff said!
- And the Chrysler flagship Genericus model is the Obamacus—when you crave a bit of the 70s nostalgia, and prefer a car that smokes—but says it doesn't
Other models coming soon…
That's my rant!
© 2009 Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere All Rights Reserved

I love it!
# Genericus Pelosius – The front end is stretched so that it never loses that high-gloss sheen, no matter how old it gets
# Genericus Clintonius – Has additional headroom and stain-resistant seats
Hysterical and scary all at the same time! Brilliant!
@Jeannie - Thanks! The last part is a ripoff our one of our radio bits, but I felt it was worthy of repeating!
John Marshall at 8:46am May 14
YAY Fascist Socialism! We're going down the tubes very quickly!
Mhicheil Daily at 8:51am May 14
But did the people elect him to run a car company or the country? I mean Korea drops a bomb in us but the Prez is busy picking new slogans for the new Obama Mini-Van?
This chump is moving so fast to destroy this country that I'm beginning to wonder what the hurry is and who it is that's really pulling the String Puppet's strings?
Christy Farias at 9:03am May 14
had to share...GREAT piece Kevin
Mike Geller at 9:06am May 14
I'm gonna sell my Jeep.
Richard Disney at 9:10am May 14
Yeah, running a multi-billion dollar company...into the ground.
Lisa Harper at 9:55am May 14
Chrysler says it will close 789 dealerships as part of its bankruptcy restructuring plan. This just in.......
That was great Kevin. The car models are especially funny!
Let's not forget that he is proposing that the FED now determine when a company is too big to fail. They already proved that they cannot handle their charter of supervising banking practices but they now will be charged with managing industry.
Also, Chrysler may force 800-1000 dealers to close. This means putting approximately 48,000-60,000 people out of work since each dealer has about 60 people working there. That will be more than the number of workers Chrysler currently employs. These people work for the dealers (retailers) not Chrysler. No UAW contract there.
In the meantime the UAW workers who have been idled since May 4th will receive unemployment benefits plus supplemental pay that will amount to most of their normal pay. So it is paid vacation time for them.
I agreed months ago that Chrysler and GM should idle their plants to clear off the 80-100 weeks of inventory that they currently have but to pay them their supplemental wages plus unemployment doesn't do anything for the companies balance sheet. The only savings will be from a materials standpoint which now places Chrysler's suppliers in the position of now having to furlough some of their workers because they will not be shipping parts and material to that company.
Presidential Automotive Task Force is headed by people who do not even drive American automobiles. Guess they have their priorities right!?
Enough said. Sorry for the long winded comment!
Sir RonB
SirRonB - Amazing commentary! I especially like the fallout numbers of shutting down the dealers! No UAW to protect them! Nice...
I think it's fitting that Obama is in charge of a failed company.
What has he ever done that has succeeded?
It's fitting that he's the CEO of Crappy Chrysler Cars.
@Nerby - I couldn't agree more. The irony of it I hope was not lost in my musings. I left it "subliminal" for the reader! :-)
This is too funny. I did a spoof blog today about Obama appointing himself CEO of all fortune 500 companies. LOL
Um, Tommi?
I wish I could find all of this funny, but who knows which company is next.
@Tommi - Glad I made you laugh! Obama's presidency is FULL of them!
Brent Fenske at 11:06am May 14
I've bought a NON-American car. Now...
Kevin, you are dead on, as usual, and that is one of your funniest posts in awhile.(they're all funny, but this one is on another level!) i can't wait to get my STU-PED! So i can do my part for the Earth! Yaaayy! I HEART Fascism!
Obama gon' gib me a new CAR!
@Jai - C'mon Jai, all my blogs are funny!! JK! Anyway, expect that car soon, and if you don't get it, then move to MA, and get on the list!
How about the Genericus Kennedius -
Equipped w/flotation-just in case you want to go on a joy ride with that certain someone...
or; the Genericus Doddius - comes equipped w/some extra cash in the trunk and is already paid for...
Genericus Geitnerius - Comes equipped w/special wipers that wipes away all dirt....
LOVED the models...hilarious!!!
I hope somebody buys off the Jeep division before Chrysler dies.
Day by day, inch by inch, BO's moving closer to his true calling: used car salesman.
"May I interest you in a slightly used Constitution?"
Very funny comment, Anon!
Sorry, Da Sicilian, I can't afford it. That Genericus Geithnerus I've got parked outside is a money pit.
(If this comment posts twice, my apologies to all.)
@Anon - Glad you are hanging out at my blog! No worries on # of posts!
"hear me now...I did not, I repeat, I did not have torture w/osama bin hidin..."
I find it amusing that what used to be called a hostile takeover is now being called good for the company. Gee...since he is using our tax money for his takeover will there be a little extra in our pockets come Christmas time? Doubt it.
When big media turns their attention on you, watch out. It won't have a happy ending. They are now starting to squeak about the richest people on earth, the doctors, so you know socialized government health care is right around the corner.
The audacity of dope is in the process of putting the final 'stake' in. Have we all been watching sales numbers? We're ALL holding back until this guy is out of office...some good may come from all of this...some of us may save/get ahead of our debt.
@LadyJulie - But "Ofrah" loves her jet!
BO is managing Crysler to the ground (not hard to do since they're there already) while ignoring the world proving he can't do either.
BO's Government motors will remind me of the time of Henry Ford's monopoly since socialist love monopolies. With monopolies, like socialism, you have no choices. That's why Henry Ford said "They can have any color car they want as long as it's black". Only with BO not only will the car (since they'll only be one) be black, but it will be green, breakdown constantly, and never make it over a hill. In fact, like the government, it can only go further in a deficit: downhill or in a valley.
The wrap, this man knows nothing how business works or the world for that matter and he keeps proving it without the intent. He's a legend in his own mind and that's what makes him dangerous.
@madmath1 - Thanks for the Ford quote reminder!
Off the subject slightly but did you see the first stimulus checks were sent out? The lady had been dead for 40 years. I bet she still managed to vote for Obama.
LadyJulie, you are cracking me up, and earning your royal title! Great sarcasm! LOVE it!
Kevin and Zo both have great insight and perspective. I always enjoy reading their latest.
Julie said...
I find it amusing that what used to be called a hostile takeover is now being called good for the company.Newspeak. It's all so Orwellean, as if 1984 arrived 25 years late.
He combines the worst aspects of socialism and a mob godfather.
Obama is taking thug to a new level. Neither Carl Icahn, Kirk Kerkorian, or any other corporate raider in the Gordon Gekko tradition, could manage to strong arm primary debt holder to take 30 cents on the dollar and secondary debt holders to take over 50! Talk about flipping the bird to the rule of financial law that has existed for 100 years. Amazing!!
@shoprat and Anon - You guys get what we are dealing with here!
Great post! Loved the new Chrysler previews!! My wife asked me to send you a link on YouTube that you might find interesting: http://www.youtube.com/user/machosauceproduction?blend=1&ob=4. This man is REALLY good!
@Dirk - Zo and I are acquaintances. I know his work well! But tell your wife thanks for thinking of me!
Let's fix the flux capacitor in the DeLorean and go back to the future.
Or better yet lets give the DeLorean a bailout and produce more of that vehicle.
That was so damned funny!
Didn't DeLorean die of a cocaine overdose? Or his wife did?
Can't remember, but I know the doors on his cars are whacked.
Oh, and by the way, Kevin, I'm at the Funnybone in Omaha next weekend.
Show up and get a spot.
You are so damned funny that you need to get some stage time, man!
Additional headroom...very clever, Kevin!
How about a Genericus Jeffersonicus? It has a freeezer in the back of the glove compartment, big enough to hold $90,000.00 in cold cash.
@SirRonB - Brushing off the cobwebs on the DeLorean. Now that's an Obama concept if there was one. A car that can't even HAVE a paint job!
Great article Kevin, I really hate to see what next yr. brings.
I guess when he totally bankrupts America, then his one world power will just take over.
I would be for giving the DeLoren a bailout. Provided they put in a flex capacitor so I can drive it 88 mph and take a video tape of current events and play it in 2007.
Great models, but I'm gonna hold out for the other models. I hear tell there will soon be LSM line such as the over sized wide load Genericus Beckelus built especially to haul manure. The LSM is gonna get some of the action.
"Other models coming soon…"...I'll be lining up like Black Friday shoppers for the Red Light special.
@madmath1 - I would love a Back to the Future Delorean. I would go back to a few key moments as well! Great comment!
@Sam - Be sure to check out our videos, where we discuss the GM models. www.youtube.com/theblacksphere01
Deauna Stafford at 7:24am May 15
Where's all the credit to President Bush for EVERYTHING he did right. Obama taking credit for tribunals, etc, that Bush started yet Ogodfather screamed during campaign was WRONG! Hmmmm... Guess GWB wasn't as bad as the lying liberals claim. eh?
We miss GWB! :(
for those of you old enuff to remember...there may be a great analogy to ford's edsel....'the wrong car at the wrong time...'
The edsel was supposed to be the 'marquee' brand of ford...but it ended up the biggest commercial failure in the history of American business...
Is BO the edsel of our times?
Short excerpt from a news story on the Chyrsler bailout:
Chrysler Corporation auto sales are roaring into high gear. And so is the myth of the Great Chrysler Comeback. The resurgence of the once dying automaker has become the favorite example cited by proponents of national industrial policy who call for massive and costly federal efforts to revive what they describe as a desperately ailing American economy. The way they tell the story, Chrysler in 1979 seemed destined for bankruptcy, and now it's showing a profit. What saved Chrysler, we are told, are the $1.2 billion in loan guarantees provided by the federal government—so successful was the timely injection of cash that the company could announce today that it will pay off the remaining $800 million by September. And it didn't cost the taxpayer a penny,
Date of the story July 13 1983.
@Da Sicilian - The Edsel is a great analogy for ObamaNation.
One more thing Kevin, I come upon this quote this morning and it seems fitting for your blog.
What this country needs is more free speech worth listening to.
- Hansell B. Duckett
@Stanley - Obama's take to make add Zeros to all previous gov't programs. How fitting!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm afraid we haven't seen anything yet!! Truly disturbing! Mr. Know Everything who in reality knows nothing. And it's only just begun!!!!
@Anon - Thanks for the comment. I agree with you that it's just begun.
BO is into green cars which hybrids are the thing right now. So BO will be a hybrid of the edsel, the worse commercial flop in US history, and the NOVA as it is in spanish speaking countries which was just as big of a commercial flop. Nova in spanish means "it doesn't go" or "it doesn't work". So the BO, a commercial flop that doesn't go or work.
Kevin-just found your blog and glad I did. Sir, it is spot on and brilliant! You have an incredible talent with your writing style-perfect mix of facts, humor and sarcasm.
When will your book be available?
Genericus Communicus - They all come in RED. They all have a radio that only plays BO memorable speeches (still looking.) They all come with NO options. They are all powered by the ignorant majority. They all come with taxpayer financing.
@mtarrien - Thanks for the kind words and support!
@Anon - very funny model. We will put it in one of our "Gov't Motors" videos!
I drive a 1995 Saturn SL2 with 200,000miles on it.
I'm moving to Massachusetts.
@Joe - And who would blame you?!
Like Obama knows anything at all about running any business.
Hey kevin - this isn't apropos of this blog, but I just happened to see this utube of Morgam Freeman on 60 min - looks like a year ago - It sorta surprised me because I've always 'liked' him thru his acting (tho acting is not real) so I didn't expect him to stand up to wallace (normally a talking point for liberalism) - see wallace was so clueless - if he really wasn't liberal/racist he should have stood up and rejoiced !! (He tried to make it ok because he's Jewish - tell that to Jackie Mason! ) (i think it was him...)
Here's the utube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO214IFRW1M
So what's my point - I think you should try to get Freeman to read your blog and use your humor to make both of your points.
I believe its humor that influences more people today - or a least a significant portion. I mean, its only recently that I saw parts of the late nite humor show on Fox - 3am est - it's horrible ! Maybe I haven't watched it enuf. Found it - Red Eye .
I'm sure this point isn't set in stone, however the character of man that is necessary to keep our country from falling into an abyss of mediocrity will be the conservative black man who recognizes that he is conservative and not a political democrat.
We will depend on you, tho I expect that if 'you' become the savior of america, you'll not be recognized as such.
My experience: is working in the '70 & 80 in a VERY blue collar / union dominated part of the country (dem machine) I was a professional appointee (by the dem party) and happy and top in my field (nationwide). I noticed tho that most folks who I could easily dismiss as undereducated and simplistic, really held viewpoints that were definitively more republican than carter-ist !! Back then it was not a problem in '80 that the machine 'let' their followers vote for Reagan, because he talked exactly what most blue color (white & black) people wanted - just a fair chance if they worked hard. Easily promoted by dem politicians and union or community organizers, but nor accomplished by them.
Ok - this is a ramble - but somewhere there's some incitefulness, I hope!!
Your very shrewd and I think your site is going to be very successful. I live in the deep south and a lot of guys down here are pretty disturbed that there's a black guy in the white house. Since it's not socially acceptable to say that they stick to insubstantial accusations, like "He's the messiah, socialist, anti-christ, etc.".
I'm sure many of them are trying desperately to convince themselves that they are not closet racists. I think they would find it very therapeutic to read a blog where a black man uses all the same adolescent humor and unfounded accusations. Interesting how everything on the site is black; black sphere, black ops. Your marketing your blackness, because your take on all this is so much more authoritative because your black... or not.
Congratulations. I think you've found your niche.
@Hersey - I'd like you to contact me so please do. I do know the show Red Eye, and I hope to get on it soon. I'm funnier than Breitbart...no offense Andrew, but you haven't taken my calls after saying you would. Dirty laundry.
Anyway, I will be on Fox within 60 days. I am also talking to Pajamas TV on some things, so stay tuned for that.
@Anon - I get your back-handed compliment, and am not stupid enough to fall for it. The only closet racist in here is YOU. Those others you mentioned "in the south" are just ordinary people tired of the rules being written for all the nitwits, because of racist, elitist meddlers like you.
As for my niche, it is in uncovering you smooth clansman bearing "compliments", and thinking that you are dealing with black people as stupid as your kind has created.
I am Kevin Jackson, aka The Black Sphere, and I approved this message!
Hey Kevin, I am continuing to enjoy your blog, but I am just having a hard time laughing. I am just so scared by Mr IWON that I cannot see any humor in it. I am taking your advice and trying to chill down my abhorance for the man but it is hard.
I sure wish you had a TV show where you could encourage more people to look at what obama is doing to us. You need more exposure! Your voice is very important. Obama is a divider. You are a uniter.
@MEG - My team is about to push the Fox issue. I will likely do a TV show soon, though I don't know where at this point. It takes people like you pushing the issue with Fox, etc. i.e. sending emails, leaving phone calls, tweeting, etc. We are always looking for people to push the brand, so email me, and get involved. We will make a change by 2010!
This article is racist, ignorant and logically inconsistant, and substitutes ad hominem attack for content. Shame on you. Do you really think the president should ignore the economy? Do you really think the president is doing nothing about North Korea, Pakistan or Al Quaeda? Do you think it's a good idea to publicize every move made, or do you think sensitive operations require some degree of secrecy? I'm disgusted at all the comments that are endorsing your post, but these are the sort of ilk who probably find Ann Coulter substantive. You accuse Obama of never having had a job in one paragraph, and then admit that he was a lawyer in the next. Do you really think it's appropriate to stereotype Obama supporters as recieving information by "word of mout"? Content can be racist, regardless of the color of the skin of the person saying it, and as a black man, I am offended both by your ignorance and the people who applaud you. Shame on you.
To Anonymous at 2:31 AM. May 16, 2009:
In answer to your first question, of course we don't think the president should ignore the economy. Instead, he should do what all great US presidents before him did in times of economic crisis: he should sell Chryslers.
To your second question, Yes.
Number three is a two parter: Do you think it's a good idea to publicize every move made...? Yes. He works for us and as his employers, it's our right and our responsibility to know what he's doing on company time.
...or do you think sensitive operations require some degree of secrecy? The president who released memos regarding CIA post-9/11 interrogation methods to the entire world would probably agree with you that his duties as Director of Marketing for Chrysler should be considered sensitive operations,to be classified "Top Secret."
Question number four prompts two questions in response: 1)What's a "mout?" 2)Do you really think it's appropriate to stereotype those who comment here as the sort who find Ann Coulter substantive?
I'm offended that you posted under the name of Anonymous. You give the rest of us Anonymous posters a bad name. Shame on you.
With sincere apologies for feeding a troll,
Anonymous owner of the Genericus Geithnerus
Here's my answers to Anonymous, if you'll forgive the intrusion, Kevin:
Do you really think the president should ignore the economy?
Yes. If one leaves the free market alone, the free market will take care of itself. Businesses either succeed or fail on their own, and don't need help from "that one".
Do you really think the president is doing nothing about North Korea, Pakistan or Al Quaeda?No. I think he's bending over backwards to help them destroy America.
Do you think it's a good idea to publicize every move made, or do you think sensitive operations require some degree of secrecy?I think it's a good idea to expose him for the Marxist he is by publicizing all the things he does that undermines America for the sake of advancing Marxism in the world. I don't, however, think it's a good idea to publicize secret memos, strategies, and plans we use to fight al Qaida, a la The New York Slimes.
Obama never held a real job except the job of campaigning for public office. He holds a law degree but he has only used it to parlay himself into public office. He knows nothing about how to run any business.
Ann Coulter is brilliant. I only wish all the Liberal commentators and columnists put together were half as brilliant. It would make it more of a challenge to her when she makes them look foolish.
Do you really think it's appropriate to stereotype Obama supporters as recieving information by "word of mouth"?
Well, yes, since his supporters apparently don't know anything about him except what they've heard.
Why is it that people that use ad hominem in their comments like attacking an opponent's character rather than answering his argument?
@Stanley - Liberals have no ground to stand on in debates. Ad hominid is all they have.
Mr. Ignoranonymous
As one of the new "peep's" here who is so happy to find another black man besides Bill Cosby who tells it like it is, I would like to add something about the guy who has "worked" for me a lot longer than he has for you.
As a community organizer for my beautiful city of Chicago, he was given millions by the Annandale Foundation to help the city schools. Not one dime bought a textbook or fixed a sink. He and his partner, Bill Ayers, use the money to "organize" the students to become little anarchists just like them. Then as my senator, Mr. O spent two years pushing his book and campaigning for president, making millions for himself while voting present. After all, he did not want to make any votes that might critiqued his perfect record. So now I am stuck with this buffoon as president. It is bad enough that he has ruined my city and my state, now he is out to ruin the whole damn country.
YOU sir are the racist. You only love the man because he is black. You cannot name one thing he has accomplished, but you still blindly follow your messiah! Wake up and see his true colors.
I hope all you folks remember to let your feelings known the next time you buy a car, especially an American car. Not only do Fords rank with Honda and Toyota in quality, but it is a vote against Obama’s car empire.
@Chip - I agree. I will consider Ford, if not a foreign car.
Anyone know of an extensive list of American made 'foreigh' autos?
Some American Cars Are Foreign-Owned, but Made in the U.S.A.
I'm glad that I have found another great site of a great American. I love to read what others of like mind have to say, and it is encouraging to see some of us finally getting the attention deserved. You, Zo, me, and the people of America.
How can we not succeed? Wait, don't answer that...
I found all I needed to know in your article. You deserve a pat on the back.
@CEO - Thanks much, and I hope you come back. Please visit the new page at www.theblacksphere.net
Great bingo halls are now available online !
CEO of GM? Hahaha, does one care to be a CEO of some car business if he is already THE CEO of the world No.1 Economy?
President Barack Obama said on Wednesday that General Motors Co and Chrysler Group were companies worth saving, but he expects both to repay their government loans.
"President Barack Obama said on Wednesday that General Motors Co and Chrysler Group were companies worth saving, but he expects both to repay their government loans.
And Obama would never lie, would he?
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