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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Obama Says “Psyche!” to New Yorkers

When you don't really acknowledge 911 as a "man-made disasterist" act, then you certainly wouldn't consider the possibility of scaring the public clinging to their guns and religion—while you buzz them with a low-flying 747!

The reason for potentially panicking ten million New Yorkers—to get government sanctioned photos. Of panicked New Yorkers?!

Apparently the officials in ObamaNation mistakenly thought the Tea Parties were still happening, and were trying out the new facial recognition software on the crowd. Or perhaps they were checking out the optics on new spy cameras, zeroing in on license plates in the vicinity? In Obama's new administration of "full disclosure"—of Bush administration policy—we may never know what they were really up to. But we do know who was at fault.

According to CNN here is the decision that led to the scare:

"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision," said Louis Caldera, director of the White House Military Office. "While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it's clear that the mission created confusion and disruption."

Here's a word to describe this…incompetence! No surprise there. It's as if Obama said, "Given my incompetence, I need to find a group of total nitwits to fill these posts. Let me start with Biden, and he can help me find the rest."

And it's like Obama's staffers are all waiting to oblige to play, "Whose the Bigger Idiot?" in the Obama administration. We may find out that some of our tax dollars are going to the person who can make Obama look the least incompetent—if that's even possible. And if it were, imagine the burden on us taxpayers.

Speaking of Obama, what did he think about all this? According to a source to CNN, "The president was furious about it." My guess is he was pissed having missed seeing the faces of millions of scared Americans. That would have been good for a behind the scenes fist bump with him and Michelle.

According to rumors, however there may have been some White House staffers on the flight. I'm picturing video voyeurs' whose fetish was "panic photography." And New Yorkers were indeed panicked, as their comments from the article suggest:

"Linda Garcia-Rose, a social worker who counsels post-traumatic stress disorder patients in an office just three blocks from where the World Trade Center towers once stood, called the flight an "absolute travesty…There was no warning. It looked like the plane was about to come into us," she said. "I'm a therapist, and I actually had a panic attack."

Sen. Chuck Schumer said,

"It is absolutely outrageous and appalling to think that the FAA would plan such a photo shoot and not warn the public, knowing full well New Yorkers still have the vivid memory of 9/11 sketched in their minds…the FAA's decision to not announce the fly-by "really borders on being either cruel or very very stupid."

Here's the wrap:

Note that Schumer blames the FAA, calling them "cruel or very very stupid. " Leave it to a liberal Democrat to find a new scapegoat, where one already exists. No Chuck, this was the fault of yet another incompetent Obama administration appointee, who by the way has admitted fault.

Had Schumer put the blame where it belongs, then he would be confirming what 47M conservatives knew on November 4, 2008, and what a lot more a realizing now—that ObamaNation is both cruel and very very stupid.

In the end, there was no need to plow that big 747 into one of Manhattan's skyscrapers this time. No, this time, the terrorism is being done directly from the oval office. I can hardly wait to see how Obama decides to scare us next, as the pen is indeed mightier than the plane.

That's my rant!

Be sure to check out the new release of Great Moments in Democrat Racist History - Truman at

© Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere All Rights Reserved.



John P. said...

I think I can say with pretty much certainty that in the morning leading up this flight, giddy white house staff and their friends that were able to go on this little field trip had zero thought of how some New Yorkers might feel with a 747 and fighter jet escort buzzing buildings overhead. Arrogance and Ignorance. Nice combo!

Anonymous said...

Teresa Copin Cope at 10:00am April 28


Julie said...

Is he that totally clueless or that totally cruel, it's hard to tell. I even heard a negative comment about him from MSNBC, never thought I would here that from them.

The Black Sphere said...

@Julie - MSNBC said something negative, because it wasn't about Obama. He has a scapegoat!

But the teleprompter incident was covered. And here he is, yet again, about to speak on something else he knows nothing about...i.e. ANY subject, except campaigning!

Ranba Ral said...

As someone whose had to hear about the FAA for all his life (dad's a pilot), I can attest to the FAA being both cruel and very, very stupid.

However, this incident wasn't FAA's particular brand of cruel and very, very stupid. This one's on both the Obama administration and the New York City Mayor's staff.

The Black Sphere said...

@Ranba - On this we agree!

Sam said...

One word...STUPID.

OB is out of touch with is his mob. They have no clue.

I'll tell you...if I can commandeer a two-seater F16...I'll pick you up wherever you choose...and we'll go have some real fun.

Lillith2008 said...

Incompetence and deceit are required to work in BO's administration. UNREAL!!

Ron B said...

I guess they can't find $1,200 to pay for a full version of Photo Shop to accomplish what most 13 year olds could do in minutes. Air Force One and the Statue of Liberty.

Imagine the amount of fuel needed for this flyby. Where are the eco-Terrorist on the carbon footprint this caused.

Maybe the TOTUS was trying his skills in the cockpit.

Sir RonB

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Jackson,

It is the first time to view your site and please accept my compliment. There is no hate threads in your writing. This made my day and you are definitly a realistic American. Best Regards for you and your family.

Just Jenny

The Black Sphere said...

@Sam - Too funny! That would be one helluva a ride! Hot squibs, too!

The Black Sphere said...

@Lilith - Yes, when ObamaNation reviews resumes, the look for incompetence as a badge of honor!

The Black Sphere said...

@SirRonB - This is why you were knighted. Photoshop! Brilliant! And yes, how about the eco-terrorism, I mean "manmade disasterism"? Excellent points, both!

The Black Sphere said...

@Just Jenny - I hope you visit a lot, as there is really not much else on the web to check out. It's like those 200 channels on your TV--most is junk! Come back!

Anonymous said...


What do you expect from an administration that specializes in fear-mongering - whether it's to pass a crapulus bill, more government bailouts, pig flu, there's always something used to frighten the American people and keep them pre-occupied so they cannot or will not see the really frightening direction of this country.

Anonymous said...


Quote of the Day
Isn't it fabulous how Obama has reconciled with our enemies and put fear into the hearts of Americans? Does any image illustrate so neatly the wrongheadedness of the Obama administration than Americans scrambling in terror from Air Force One?

Hat Tip: Ace of Spades Blog

Lilly said...

Perfect Kevin! I don't believe for a minute that BO didn't know that the backup AF1 was being taken out for a spin! His bus goes thump thump, what does the plane do?
Oh btw, the WH has now said there will be NO more flyover photo ops - period!

Anonymous said...

Here Here

Thanks and I'll be back.

Just jenny

49er16 said...

How much Carbon emissions were burned, during this little stunt? I thought Obama cared about the enviroment?

The Black Sphere said...

@49er16 - Obama cares about Obama. And remember--he didn't know about this!

Anonymous said...

Rosemary Bolton at 10:57am April 28

disgusting. just apauling. How much did this cost us? the tax payers, you know... the little people.
this administrations frightens me on a daily basis actually...
Well said Kevin!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Remember that show with the meaan red haired lady that would say, "You ARE the weakest link. Good-bye." ? I think that's the game they were playing. Or at least I wish it was....

The Black Sphere said...

@Amanda - I agree! Obama would have been gone immediately!

Dominique said...

Kevin -

How you keep your sense of humor during this unbelievable occurrences is amazing.

That was my favorite post yet!

The Black Sphere said...

@Dominique - You flatter me! The Garofalo post was the one that got the most press, but I am just glad that you have read enough to have a favorite! *blushing*

JS Morton said...

My 19 year old son and I watched the real Barak Obama stand out when his teleprompter failed last night(FOX)

My son quipped, "Oh my God our President is a teleprompter!" I will let you figure out what he was addressing!

To my fellow black Americans who voted for this fraud...Dr. King suggested that we vote for the content of ones character and not the color of ones skin...

I have one thing to add, Look up in the sky, its a bird, its a plane...It really is a plane, its AIR FORCE ONE.....RUN!!!!!

The Black Sphere said...

@Jeff - "'s NOT Superman!"

Anonymous said...

Brant Madsen at 12:27pm April 28

Could you imagine what the "Drive-by Media's" reaction would be if a Republican President did this? Wow!

Anonymous said...

Lisa Graham-Taylor at 12:30pm April 28

What a disgrace! Very cruel, insensitive & absolutely unexcusable! Surprising, even from this incompetent administration.

The Black Sphere said...

@Brant - If he were a Republican, they would be wanting to impeach!

The Black Sphere said...

@Lisa - ObamaNation will redefine incompetence. The current "incompetents" are salivating. Rumor is they are partying like drunk uncles!

Anonymous said...

Cruel or stupid? This classifies the Administration at its core: both cruel AND stupid. Just when I thought Schumer could actualy say something smart for once, I realize he's still playing "who can look more stupid" by blaming the FAA when an Administration official already confessed. Way to keep my low expectations entrenched Schumer.

Studying Areonautics and flight, I can attest there are some things that seem stupid and cruel with the FAA, but at least there's a safety issue in the insanity. This isn't something the FAA would had sanctioned, so BO MUST had to given the order for this flyby. Only the boss could have had the FAA allowing something to this level of downright stupidity, not to mention dangerous. New York has have its share of accidental building to plane crashes in its history (the B-52 vs. Empire State Building in 1946 comes to mind. The building won by the way for those libs out there wondering), so 911 shouldn't had been the only consideration, but given BO and the gang's mentality, they didn't care.

I wouldn't be surprise it was a test to first see how the locals would react. Not the government, because they were informed and deserve some of the blame for this debacle, but those evil white, religious, gun toting, right wing, racist Americans. Perhaps he's gathering intelligence for his Muslim buddies. I know the terrorist cells will ravish the news over how this was handled and use it in their intelligence for their next terrorist attack.

Ron, if BO was flying the plane, it would had been upside down and sideways (never that defies the laws of physics, he's the Messiah remember) and it would had rammed into the RNC and the media cover story would had been "Returning soilders (fighter pilots) ram plane into building". Fortunately, the Administration isn't that smart.

Digital Publius said...

LOL, you had me at the articles title!

Anonymous said...

I am a black conservative woman and I came upon your site by accident. Wonderful! Are there more black conservatives out there? Are there some voters who experiencing buyers remorse? He is an embarrassment! Is he really clueless or does he know what he is doing? All I am seeing from him and his wife is that the HOOD is in the White House and it's strictly ghetto from where I am sitting!Will bookmark your site! By the way, I am a proud conservative christian black woman!!!!
Grace and peace,

Digital Publius said...

Is there a single competent person extant in Obama's administration, if there were he would be conspicuous by virtue of not being revealed as a complete idiot. We would all be pointing at him and organizing office pools with big pay outs for the person who picks closest to the date he too screws up royally.

So much for Mr. Sound Judgement.

nerdygirl said...

What is everyone so upset about? Can't you take a little joke? I mean, Obama needed some cute plane photos for his album, so why shouldn't he be able to spend hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars for a little NY fly-by?
Jeez, you New Yorkers are so sensitive! So a few people had to check themselves into psyche wards, and a few others had heart attacks.
So what?
Obama got his photo, and THAT'S what is important. Screw the citizens.
This Presidency is about ONE thing, and ONE thing only: OBAMA.
You little servants better learn that.

The Black Sphere said...

@madmath1 - I love your rants, my man!

The Black Sphere said...

@Mizsandy2u - There are black conservatives out there. I'm glad we connected! Spread the word about my blog. And visit our videos

The Black Sphere said...

@digital publius - I have you at "hello!" Love it!

The Black Sphere said...

@nerbygirl - Clever stuff! When are we doing the voiceovers?

nerdygirl said...

Any time, Kevin. I'm back from Nebraska.
Go Huskers!

The Black Sphere said...

@Susano - Knowing ObamaNation, he had the fighter jet pilot shooting pics! Pulling double-duty!

Anonymous said...

I will be spreading the word about you. I do listen to Blog Talk radio and listen to Andrea and the Black Conservative Show! I have family that voted for Obama and for the life of me they are christians. When I told them what he stood for, they didn't know. This was after he was elected. I don't hear anything from them now. it's awfully quiet in the black churches now! I attend a multi racial church now but still I am at a lost for words!There were black churches celebrating his victory. I do know of some other black churches who did not vote for him!So there is hope. Blacks tend to support conservative issues but they are in the democratic party which is now to the far left.The democratic party was the party of slavery and segregation. Go figure with that one also. They elected this man because of his skin color which I will not go to because he is multi racial, cannot identify with us that went through the civil rights struggle. He stole that one! One question, why do the left and even this administration hate President George W. Bush so much? So much hatred is going to come back against them big time. This is going to bite them on their butts. They did not hate President Reagan like this and his father former President George H. Bush and Mr. Cheney. Have not heard anyone bring up Condoleeza Rice. What gives with that? This is what I see, Mr.Bush was gracious enough to invite them to the White House before they moved in and look at how he has stabbed Mr. Bush in the back! Lack of class! I think he is full of himself and pride does go before a fall! Ok, that's my tantrum!


The Black Sphere said...

@Mizsandy2u - Black churches cheered for Obama and they cheered with OJ was cleared. OJ got his in the end, and so will Obama.

Glad to have you on my team! Welcome!

Anonymous said...


I wonder if the media will ask Schumer for his comment in light of the fact that it wasn't the FAA who ordered this.

Anonymous said...


Can you imagine if this was the Bush administration?

MikeM said...

Okay, we have the name of the person who admits to approving this, but I have to ask WHO ASKED HIM TO APPROVE IT? And who came up with the idea originally?

The Black Sphere said...

@MikeM - Good question, but I know who it ain't...the FAA! Thanks for the visit!

susano said...

Why does this jet fighter get right on the wing of AF1???

Bob Sorensen said...

I thought you might like to see this piece. It's an outraged former Canadian, living in Thailand. He's another of my "best friends I've never met", and I hate to admit that he's even brighter than I am. Hard to believe, I know.

The Black Sphere said...

@susano - It was there in case Obama wanted to take pot shots at conservatives on the ground!

The Black Sphere said...

@stormbringer - No such bright light exist, my friend! But I will check out your friend!

Melody said...

I found your blog about a month ago and now I never miss a day. After watching the daily news and becomeing deeply depressed with what is going on, I come here and it puts a smile on my face. Keep up the good work. I have told my sister and several friends, and now they read you too. Thanks so much.

The Black Sphere said...

@Melody - Thanks so much Melody for your support. And for telling others!

Bob Sorensen said...

Kevin, you flatter me. Fact is, YOU are brighter than I am. But I won't admit that in public. Uh oh.

Forgot to mention, I appreciate that you speak the "plane" truth.

LizV said...

I don't believe for one second that Barry didn't know about this. Furious! As a New Yorker Kevin, I still shudder as planes fly over my house. We are still scarred. They are SO OUT OF TOUCH with reality that they thought this stunt would "fly". It is an embarrassment. I am glad you have a link here to your you tube channel. I didn't know. Maybe you shoudl put that on the home page...

The Black Sphere said...

@LizV - We are redesigning the site, so we will put a lot more on the new site soon.

Chip Head said...

I don't see why The White House does not blame it on Bush. Everything else they blame on Bush and the media goes with it. Maybe The White House is getting a little tired from those excellent first 100 days. How about a nice week-long vacation in Hawaii?

The Black Sphere said...

#Chip - That was very funny, Chip...vacation in Hawaii!

Anonymous said...

I listened to your show last night from my ipod. It was from last Friday,24th of April. I cracked up listening to all of you! You guys are funny and truthful! Straight facts yet it's with satire humor and we need a lot of it! It comes on my iTunes. You and your friends are FUNNY!!!!! Question? Do you think people will be opening their eyes about Obama and his minions? Have there been any buyers' remorse? What about blacks? I am a conservative black christian woman and he did not fool me at all! He's the racist. Do you think he's just a puppet? He does not appear to have all of his marbles up there. He acts vain, arrogant. I think something happened in his childhood for him to be the way he is is. Atheist mother and raised in a Muslim environment, very mysterious. I think he is a closet Muslim. Ok I feel better for right now! My son was in the Marines and he fought in Iraq. He does not care for him either and he sees through all of this. He is concerned about the military. There are rumblings within the ranks. They do not care for him and wants to see his birth certificate. They had to show theirs so why not his birth certificate.

Thank you,

The Black Sphere said...

Mizsandy - Glad you caught the radio show! And thanks for the feedback.

There is buyer's remorse, but too many people have too much invested in Obama. I will cover it this Thurs on the radio show, as to the answer.

Check it out live 9P CENTRAL.

Anonymous said...

I will. I am computer illiterate,cut how do people get on the chat line? I do know a little about some technical things about the computer,but I learned that on my own. Just write out the instuctions along with a manual and I can do it. I have done some amazing things with the computer. Thank you so much! Much blessings to you!Looked at your picture. You look nineteen! Not kidding! Stay young at heart!!!!!!


Lillith2008 said...

@mizand2u there are many conservative blacks but you would never know it from the media coverage. I am a black woman (former clueless Democrat) who did not vote for BO. I believe many blacks are having regrets OR are afraid to identify as conservatives which is too bad. Glad you found Kevin's blog he is awesome.

The Black Sphere said...

@mizsandy - is the link to my show.

The Black Sphere said...

@lilith - Thanks for the prop! YOU are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Kevin is awesome and thank you Lillith for your encouragement! You have a new listener here Kevin. You are TRULY awesome!


TinaVane aka vanity said...

oh of course Osambo had nuffin to do wid it!!!! To say otherwise would be raysiss and sheeyat. To hell with this quota infant prez. If he cant stand up and take responsibility for a relatively minor thing like this, what's going to happen when there is a more serious problem?

Anonymous said...

Why is there no mention of Condoleeza Rice now? She had to know about all of this also as far as the Gitmo controversy. Even Colin Powell, who I thought was not a conservative anyway. She seems to have disappeared. I like Condi! I think she is smarter than what we have now.


The Black Sphere said...

@Mizsandy - Check this one out...

Anonymous said...

President Truman (a war criminal according to Jon Stewart) said, "The buck stops here".

With Obummer it's always, "The buck stops there".

I have come to the conclusion that either Obummer is lying (again) or he has appointed the most incompetent administration ever.

Come to think of it, it is most likely both. Call me a conspiracy nut job if you like, but I think this was by design.

In fact, I can almost hear Rom Emanuel saying, "Hey Barry, Let's see if we can get away with this one too".

jms said...

It's amazing how far down the chain of command Obama had to go to find someone willing to show any sense of responsibility.