I find it interesting that the Democrats are already out doing pre-emptive damage control over the stimulus plan. They are saying that this massive stimulus plan will offer "no quick fix for the economy." So apparently there is nothing "stimulating" about it. All the plan has to offer is "size". And in the end America is left unsatisfied and…sore.
Biden said recently, "We're off and running, but it's going to get worse before it gets better…"
The idea that we can spend a trillion dollars and have nothing immediate to show for it, well that's incomprehensible… unless you're a Democrat. They are very use to spending money and getting nothing in return, like the recent $350B that nobody seems to be able to track. Notice how that bit of information has slipped to "page 16". But those ornery devils keep asking for more money.
But we are told by them, that The Era of Transparency is upon us. Here is my definition of ObamaNation's transparency: Transport us blindfolded, then throw us in the dark room for a "look-see".
Folks we are witnessing a master magician performing sleight of hand. They say that there will be no more pork. Yes, the Messiah is in charge, so the system has been cleansed. Right, the bowel system.
The system that is in place in Washington is bigger than any one man, and this includes the Messiah. So to think that the corruption, fraud, pork, waste, excess, and so on is gone would just make you an ignoramus. But note that there is no "Committee to Study Corruption, Fraud, Pork, Waste, Excess, and so on", now is there?
And in fact, lobbyists are so bold as to state openly that there will be "workarounds" to the new system. And just like the changes in the tax law every year, the lobbyist are hard at work figuring out how to milk the maximum amount of our tax dollars from our pockets and into their clients' projects. Their clients? Our Congressmen by way of their campaign contributors.
But you have to give this administration credit in their chess strategy. Go big and hype it. And just before approval, start letting the air out of the balloon. I think Obama may have said it best on Ignoration Day, when he said that we need to "lower expectations". I know. I already did…on Nov 4 and again on Jan 20. My expectations just can't go any lower, though my outrage finds new depths daily.
So Geithner, the new Treasury Secretary now wants to "move fast" to get his nanny and tax issues behind, and prove to America that he is the right choice for the role. This should scare you. When did you ever make a fast decision that worked? Snake oil salesmen thrive on you making fast decisions. "Today only sale". "If you leave, I can't offer you this again…". "I'll just need your credit card number…" And so on.
I would think something like the American economy would require quite the opposite, like careful deliberation, and a review of what works, and what doesn't. But no, we are in a "crisis".
What is interesting about Geithner's rush to action is that he wants to get his hands on Obama's large package, and Biden is telling us that the stimulus won't kick in for quite some time. I will leave you to ponder the humor of that statement.
And Larry Summers, a top economic advisor to Obama offers nothing more than empty rhetoric, as showcased here:

"So even as we move to be as rapid as we can in jolting the economy and giving it the push forward it needs, we also have to be mindful of having the right kind of plan that will carry us forward over time."
That my friends, is double-talk, aka ObamaSpeak.
Here's the wrap:
Crisis management is the Democrat's way of "jolting" America into allowing them to pick our pockets. We have been led to believe that they must have this package in place or America will fail. And the Democrats believe so much in their plan, they are actually selling it on the concept that it won't actually do what they say it should do.
As usual, Democrats get what they want, and America doesn't even get a lousy dinner out of it.
That's my rant!
©2009 Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere All Rights Reserved

I feel so used and abused.I just know they won't call me in the morning. Thanks for reminding us how screwed we are.
Another great post by blacksphere. I'm looking forward to hearing.."I voted for it before I voted against it" and the circle of deception continues. The visit from O to the Republicans will be interesting...it's just like the first bail out...the liberals got their noses out of joint when the Republicans voted down the first try...the liberals don't want to go down in history as the only party that sunk the US economy...well the liberals have enough votes let THEM vote it in. My advice to Republicans "don't let yourself be taken prisoner"...
Jamdr, I couldn't agree more! Let the 'Dims' all crawl out on that flimsy branch!
I love the cartoon. Where do you get all your great graphics?
What amazes me about all this is the Obama-bots can listen to their own people tell them the plan won't work, scream for it anyway, then blame the greedy working people for the system's failure. You have to hand it to public schools. They're handing out some strong kool-aid in the economics classes.
This is right on point! The spin will be very interesting since the Democrats are in power all the way around in Washington now, so they can no longer blame the Republicans for their messes. They can't blame "the last eight years" for things THEY do now.
First of all, I called my Senators today to tell them that all New Yorkers are not for their super sized spending program. Chucky Shumer won't care, but Gillibrand voted against it twice: lets see if she get her arm twisted by those losers in the Senate.
PS: NEW YORKERS: CAll her at 202 225 5614. maybe we can get her on our side!
Secondly Kevin, just say Mc Cain won; we would still have this reprehensible congress-do you think they would have still tried to push this through. I wonder if they would have run ripshod over him. Just wondering...
My husband continues to read the NY Times and they think this is a good idea, therefore he does too. I try, oh Lord, I try...
Liz, I said a short prayer for your husband...and you too! McCain would have rolled over like a lap dog, wanting his belly rubbed. I have no confidence in that RINO. This is going to pass no matter what. All the Dems want is scapegoats...you know, the best meat! Hopefully the Repubs let them go it alone, and are not fooled that the economy will improve. Then the blame will fall squarely on the "Dims", and we can win this back. If the Repubs capitulate, then they will get roasted.
The problem is, everyone missed what Obama and Pelosi were talking about when they said "transparency".
They just meant things would be displayed by a projector, silly people! It is fun to make animals shawdows on the walls of Congress by doing this! "Lookie! I made a donkey!"
Pronunciation: \tran(t)s-ˈper-ən(t)-sē\
Inflected Form(s):
plural trans•par•en•cies
1: something transparent ; especially : a picture (as on film) viewed by light shining through it or by projection
There is no jolt to the economy here, but the Dems sure want us to believe they have the knowledge to fix everything. Naturally, their leader knows far more than the average American how to spend our own money.
Pastor Ron, I find it interesting at how "smart" Obama is considered by the left. I asked on knucklehead the other day would they want Obama to perform surgery on them or a surgeon. They looked at me like, "What are you asking?" Finally I said the guy knows law, that's it. He is no smarter than the average cashier otherwise. He has never run a company or had P&L responsibility. What makes people believe this guy is all-knowing?
I thought this piece of "legislation" was to be about job creation, freeing up credit for borrowing (thus job creation)then how come when Rep. Dave Camp asked a staffer on how many jobs this stimulus bill would create he did not have an answer.
TRANSPARENCY....... Don't see it and can't see through it. Let me get my flashlight so that I can shine some light on it!
Why did we have to have a bill ready for the President to sign just days into his presidency? Why the rush? Who benefits?
This is not transparency this is smoke and mirrors. "Let's get this passed before the American people can wake up from their dreams" The bill is nothing more than a way to subvert normal budgetary spending legislation. It would have taken months to hash out some of the things included in this plan. Democrats knew this and that is why they insist that it gets pushed through, voted on and passed to the Big O. Maybe I should say the Big Zer0.
I hope you all get a chance to download the 647 spending plan and read some of the "energy" or should I say green references in it. Along with the waste and other policy initiatives being forced upon us.
I am with anonymous "I feel so used and abused. Thanks for reminding us how screwed we are."
Ron, great post! I have downloaded it, and will be discussing Thurs on my radio show. Great comment!
Great read.
Yes, I hope the republicans (those that are left anyways) learn a lesson from investment brokers since this bill is an "investment" of the American government: bears makes money, bulls make money and pigs get slaughtered. If they support this ridiculus bill, they will be the pigs and will get slaughtered when things go south and I don't mean Mexico and then we're a one party government. Just what the messiah wants.
Perhaps this is the real goal of this "stimulus" package. It's to stimulate their one sided power grab by slaughtering the remaining opposition party, all the while keeping the masses poor and ignorant, the socialist/communist best friends.
OMG, you guys should see the Porkfest going on in this "stimulus bill"! Amazing. I have to blog more on this...coming!
"And in the end America is left unsatisfied and…sore." - And BROKE!
But you know, of course, that SIZE does matter! ;-)
Obama wants to make sure he gets some Republican support to ensure what happened in 1993 doesn't happen again. 1993 Clinton passed a retroactive tax increase which he disguised as a deficit-reduction plan without any Republican support. Republicans won the house in 1994 so Obama has to ensure he get Republicans on board to keep them from getting any kind of control in 2010. http://nostimulus.com/
I just found Kevin's blog and what a pleasant day that was. It was this past weekend and I am renewed with hope reading every night. He says exactly how I feel. Thank you Kevin. I want u to write how Obama went on Middle East radio graveling. What an insult. Does he think we are going to sit down and play cards with them now. Obama is so naive although McCain was a horrible candidate. Sue me though I liked Sarah for her conservatism and smarter than McCain. Thank you once again Kevin. Hello to all who read this and I have hope there are more of my feelings out there.
Paz - Thank you for the comment, and I will do my best to live up to your words!
Obama on Al Arabiya-- "It's my job to tell the Muslim world we're not their enemy."
But millions of them have been declaring for years that THEY ARE OUR ENEMY. What's the O gonna do about that?
The veiled Bush insults continue... what a stupid waste of important time.
Big Dave
Big Dave - You have been awarded the official title of "guru" from The Black Sphere!
Clearly, I just don't get it. Of course, holding my hands over my ears and saying, “La, la, la...” Isn't going to work either....
So, to review, we got hosed. Who knew? Oh, wait. You and I did. And yet, Americans in general, continue to bend over and take it. Pretty soon, we'll be chanting, “Thank you sir, may I have another?!?”
"Geithner's rush to action is that he wants to get his hands on Obama's large package" ... sorry but my mind is in the gutter tonight. But this would probably hold true for the liberal MSM's especially Chris Matthews.
Batman, I will be like Tim Robbins in Shawshank...fighting them off, even if I lose sometime!
CG - I could have developed that further, but I wanted you guys to have a little fun! And yes Matthews should just "come out" after his comments!
I have been telling everyone I know about your blog. It is incredibly well written and one of the first I read during the day. Keep up the incredibly great work. I hope to see you on the TV and hear you on radio soon.
CG, thanks much. Radio is here, and we are refining the message and understanding the site. Production value over the next few weeks will put us just below Hannity, but we will get there. TV is coming and I promise you will laugh your booty off! The show will be a hit, I guarantee you. Casting for actors in CA now, and we will put a few episodes in the can soon.
Keep spreading the word!
I've been reading your posts for a couple of weeks and have very much enjoyed them. In fact, I've cited you on my blog.
Do you do blog roll exchanges? I'd love to link with you.
Doug, I do to a degree. I think you can pick up my RSS feed or become a follower. Shoot me an email with what you have in mind and we can discuss.
' They are very use to spending money and getting nothing in return, like the recent $350B that nobody seems to be able to track.'
Should read:
' They are very used to spending money and getting nothing in return, like the recent $350B that nobody seems to be able to track.'
Really good read, I commented on the typo. Still, very good. I linked it on my site, hope that was okay.
John, now 99.9% of people would not have caught that, and 90% of those who caught it, would not have commented. A bit tightly wound, are we? Hmmm...
Thanks for the catch, and the public outing! I will fire my editor...oops, that's me. So there you go!
I am confused. Does Obama want to help the economy or not?
The worst thing you could do to hurt the economy is to increase federal regulation. Every good socialist knows this. But why does Obama increase the EPA CAFE Standards on the automobile companies when they are already smarting?
It's like spending all that money on prom night (limo, orchid, tux rental, fancy dinner) and not even getting a h--d job.
"You might think it's funny, but it hurts too much to laugh"
Jerry Reed, "She Got the Gold Mine"
..and I got the shaft!
I believe it is George Soros ruining the economy as he wants the world socialized. While this piece of dirt got rich in my country of America, he wants to control the citizens. What can u expect from a traitor who is Jewish and helped Hitler learning from his father another piece of dirt. George has a lot of money but does not want anyone else to have it only the persons he controls to control the American population. Not one word about this dirt bag and yet CNN a crappy station unless you are a Hitler liberal glorifies him.
Paz - When you get a minute, I'd like your thoughts on Soros! :-)
Great comments, and I will do some research on him.
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